Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Not One Iota....

It’s been over two years since i quit Facebook. I do not miss it one iota. (By the way, did you know that the phrase “not one iota” comes from the New Testament in the Bible? Yep it’s from Matthew. How do i know that? Why Google, of course!)

Anyway, i started thinking about blogging again. I like having a writing outlet and still to this day even though it’s going on two years since I have posted here i am often running and i think of something to blog about. (Yes, i am STILL running - two years past my goal!) The only problem is blogging alone doesn’t give me much of a muse. Aside from the writing outlet, i also like things we used to do, i.e. when technology isn’t always replacing something with the ‘new flavor’ or update. So while blogging is dead to most everyone because of the awful social media, i’m going to bring it back for myself. I still listen to cds, i still own an iPhone 4 (which i believe is ten years old now) and i am driving a ten year old car ....that has a CD player and no navigational gizmo, so now i’ll add blogging to my list of things that would make my kids (if i had any) go ‘Moooooommmmmm!’

I’m going to bring back the format of posting random lists like i did before. (Usually while drinking wine.) I’ll add my favorite new music i’ve discovered and favorite books and a new wine i’ve discovered. I’ll probably post about politics too. But not much about Trump. (There’s not more that can be said about just how very terrible he is and it’s now redundant material.)

Right now as i write it’s the Christmas season and i love my Alpine Noble tree that i found at Harbor Greens. I usually get Fraziers or regular Nobles or Nordmanns, but this is the kind that has the spaces.  I’m still putting on the tinsel. I’ve also already finished my shopping and it’s only Dec. 3rd!

Let’s see if i can post a photo. It’s always a bit tricky posting from my iPad because i can’t tell what it looks like until i hit PUBLISH.
 Yay! It worked. 

Here is another: 

Well, that’s enough for now. I’ll be back. 


amulbunny's random thoughts said...

Glad to see you!!! I don't go on FB as obsessively as I used to, pop in a couple of times a week. Having alienated my Republican and Evangelical relatives has made my feed go down. The YY are still around, core group remains. Have lost a few to the great beyond.
We sailed out of Seattle this September, the last cruise to AK on Norwegian. Loved it.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Oh my goodness amulbunny! I can’t believe you are checking in here so long after my last post! Nice to know the Yayas are still kind of sticking together with a core group. I stay in touch with pearl and Cat and equeyaya/Barbara here and there but it’s been awhile now.

How have you been? Are you still blogging too?

jojo cucina cucina said...

Hahaha... Funny i just tried to “Like” your comment! Blogger should allow that!

jojo cucina cucina said...

TESTING 123 ....What happens if i type this . Does it show as Jojo cucina cucina?

jojo cucina cucina said...

No photo so that means I’m not signed in.

jojo cucina cucina said...

One more test. I have TWO accounts?

jojo cucina cucina said...

Can’t find my password tot his bog! And blogger doesn’t recognize me by email since my husband is the one who started it for me under his email.

jojo cucina cucina said...
