Song: "Remembrance Day" by Mark Knopfler. (What a beautiful song!)
In my glass: Melange, which is a really good red blend by Waterbrook
Good book: I am reading that book The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie Society book that my other friend Sarah/(who is cowboy here) mailed me. LOVE IT!
Last iTunes purchase: Springsteen's "If i Should Fall Behind".
What i keep forgetting: That damn dental appointment. AND something else, i swear...right now, i cannot remember it. (I'm not trying to be funny - i was sitting here for about 3 minutes trying to remember it.) Oh well, it's on a post-it note on my desk at work though, so I'm sure I'll get to it.
Last good netflix: The Wrestler. I did not expect to like this movie as much as i did. It was like watching Micky Rourke's real life, as i might imagine it.
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I think we wore out the irresponsibilities post because we were all so good right out of the shoot thinking of them. I loved it. So here's the new one:
I have discovered___________________
1. I have discovered that i don't believe i could ever in my life really truly pull off being Super Irresponsible. I am incapable of letting some stuff slide and it would probably cause me as much stress trying to leave it as it does trying to make it work, if that makes sense. (Just making the make believe list sometimes made me cringe!)
2. I have recently discovered that when drinking wine (even on a weekend) i can be perfectly happy with only two glasses.
3. My brother loaned me the Tom Petty "Running Down the Dream" DVD. Oh my. It was so good! i have about 4 cds of Tom Petty and i looked today and have not even loaded them on my iPod yet. He is so good. And such a cool guy too. Very principled. Fought the record company to retain ownership of his songs when he was pretty young and also successfully got them to reduce the price of LPs.
4. ...I like running more than i thought i did.
5. I have a habit of saying "OH for God's Sake!" (with bold inflection). I am not aware that i have this habit . But recently Irene in my office (who is British) said she cracked up because she caught herself saying it at home and thought of me. (She's the second person i've worked with over the years to tell me this.) I responded that SHE has me saying "chit chat".
6. I discovered JJ Grey and Mofro from iTunes and bought their whole cd "Orange Blossoms". What a great fun cd. Good cooking music too!
7. ...If you pour a half bottle of really dark beer and a big square of baking chocolate in chili it is REALLY good.
8. ...there is way too much dust floating around. it is a phenomomen to me every time i push around my big old microfiber dust mop over my hardwood.
9. I discovered that there are people i really don't respect in the workplace, but i can learn to get along and find some common ground so as to keep from making it a hostile work environment.
10. ...I have vulnerabilities when it comes to my family.
11. Tearing off wallpaper is not a job i will ever do again, i don't care how much i love you! Even if Jesus asked me to come and tear off the little lamb wallpaper that Mary put up in the stable where he was born i would say NO. (Then i would cuss out Mary for putting up little lamb wallpaper in the first place, it wasn't even HER house!)
12. ...that i have some really good friends.
13. ...that asking a question that is difficult or scary to ask can open a door and sometimes the person is secretly hoping you will ask it. (so don't be afraid to ask it.)
14. ...my husband is a man who can always be counted on to do the right thing and the thing i need.
15. .... that i need to figure out when someone wants my advice or when they just want to vent. (I am too quick to think of course, they want MY advice and jump in prematurely.)
16. ....i am ready to get out of union work. I have made a decision to retire after next year. (I'll get another job though, somewhere maybe in the schools.)
17. ...that i must have had a lot of influence on Kylee/Modern Hippie, because sometimes when she posts i feel like i am reading my very own words. I'm sure y'all may have noticed it too. (and i love our kindred spirit-ness very much.)
18..... Lyle Lovett has one of the sexiest voices every. "Simple Song" just came on as i was typing and every time i hear this song it brings me to my knees.
19. It takes a long time to write a blog post. I think i have been at this for one whole glass of wine or at least 45 minutes. (Next time i will time it.)
20. I want to end on an even number and make a plea to the 23 followers here to join in. I know that the way we talk to one another here might feel cliquish at times, but the truth is most of us here don't know each other in real life. I meant this blog to be a participatory blog that people will join in.
So c'mon. Everyone has a list in their life. Post yours!