Monday, December 28, 2009
Crawfish Woman & Some Chaotic Family Christmas Photos.
Video: thanks to my husband, we have the soon to be famous Crawfish Woman song on YouTube now. That is my brother Scott on vocals (who made up the words as he was singing) my nephew Brian, (who cracks me up because he is so serious throughout the song while we're all busting up) and my mom is dancing showing her signature sultry moves (with a full glass of wine that i can't believe she didn't spill) and Ashley stars in it too on the sidelines. I shot this video, believe it or not, with my Nikon D90 camera (on Christmas Eve).
In my glass: nothing, because there is no glass.
What I'm wearing: my new Nike sweatpants.
Reading: Dangerously Funny, the new book about the Smothers Brothers show. I LOVE this book. And i want to marry Tom Smothers he really stood up for what he believed. I had no idea how ahead of their time Tom Smothers was. We lived in Japan for most of their three seasons so I missed much of the show as a kid. I also finished the fourth Louise Penny mystery today.
Presents: I received great presents, one of them is a new Netbook computer from my husband, which i am going to love. I don't have to return anything!
iTunes: i just got another iTunes card in time since i only have five cents left which i was just reminded about when i tried to buy Donovan's Atlantis song. (Do any of y'all remember that song?) i got the idea of wanting it from the Smothers Brothers book i'm reading. My last iTunes purchase was Behind Blue Eyes by The Who, another great old song. (I guess i'm on a retro kick right now. )
Quote: "Reading good books ruin you for enjoying bad books". Isola to Juliet in The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society.
Photos: Until I can come up with another idea for a blog post here are a few photos from Christmas Eve. The real blurry one is my dad which i thought was kind of artsy. Also Ashley (Modern Hippie's sister) appears wearing her Dad's Ugly Christmas sweater that she and Kylee/Hippie made for him.
Also appearing, are my mom, and in these following shots, Scott and Troy (my brothers) and Troy's son, Brian. They are laughing because they were microwaving beer, insisting it tasted pretty good. Yep, some families serve eggnog or mulled wine, but not us.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas Eve Eve Eve musings. And Mandolin Cafe photos
2. I can't help but feel some musical talent has to be in your DNA at birth. i already know that the Louvraks (my maiden name) don't have that DNA.
3. I don't mind trying to learn everything i can about flyfishing, because i think flyfishing CAN be learned, you don't have to be born to it. It's not like they give out Grammys for flyfishing.
4. Though i wouldn't have minded one bit if Norman Maclean was my father.
5. You know what i really hate about Christmas commercials right now? (I believe i might have ranted about this on Gumbo years ago.) I HATE HATE HATE those BMW and Lexus commercials as if most people can afford to buy one of those for someone for Christmas. I do not want to know people who buy these kinds of gifts for Christmas. Even if they want to buy ME one!
6. So Ms hippie's older sister, Ashley, is stressed out about buying her new boyfriend a Christmas present and i can understand that. They both agreed earlier to not do that since it's a new relationship. But now he is getting ready to break the rules because he has been checking in with Kylee for what to get Ashley and hippie/Kylee told her. So she asks me for an idea what to get him. I jokingly write back, make him a CD mix. And here is Ashley's reply which totally cracked me up (written in caps just as she did: )
7. LOL.... I think Christmas can be pretty stressful on new relationships!
8. I just thought of something. Since he broke the rules, it might be pretty funny to get him back my making a joke cd mix but not letting him know right away that she meant it as a joke. She could include the Wind Beneath my Wings (my new funeral song) . Maybe we could even get louielouie to record it for us!
9. The problem would be she would have to pay 99 cents for them (unless we can commission louielouie). Maybe she could just buy one crappy song and repeat it over and over.
10. If y'all have ideas about a joke cd mix for Ashley for her boyfriend, let us know! I'll pass them on to her.
11. It's really a pretty ironic to love your friends but to approach your mailbox with dread during the holiday season that you are going to actually receive a Christmas card from them. Because then it means you are going to feel guilty for not returning the gesture. I am terrible about cards. Because for one thing, they take me too long because i have to write in them. Every season i buy a box of 8 cards and i usually have about 2 left over. And i hope the following year a couple of those folks don't notice that they got the same card twice in a row! consider yourself super honored if you got one from me. (But if you didn't, don't think that means i don't care about you.)
Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks for making this blog fun. And to the rest of y'all who just read, please join in. (Make it your New Year's Resolution!)
- Come visit and let me know of your ideas for a cheesy song for Ashley's new boyfriend's cd mix.
- Tell us all what your latest Christmas Moment was.
- And also i would like to know what your favorite Christmas carol is. (I already mentioned mine is o come o come emmanuel.
- and anything else you want to talk about. Grammar? punctuation? show-offy new words that nobody else knows about?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Please come tell your best Christmas story. . . Here's mine.
Public Service Announcement: If you still get the newspaper delivered to your home, (and i hope you do) please remember to write a check for your carrier. the way i figure it, you tip a waitress more than $10 or more sometimes for an hour of service to deliver your food. A poor paper carrier is braving the weather, dark, cold, (depending on where you live) dogs, and maybe even muggers (also depending on where you live).
Kathy's condo unit happened to be on the very end. And so Betty would decorate every single lamp post in our building and every single lamp post in the condo next to us, EXCEPT for Kathy's condo.
This bugged me. But it REALLY bugged my husband, so much he went to the store. He bought (as close as he could get it) the exact same greenery and ribbon. And he said he wanted to go out and decorate that lamppost for them. So one night, very close to Christmas, (it was nearly 1 o' clock in the morning, and very cold too!) he and i bundled up and went out and decorated Kathy's lamppost so that when they woke up the next morning it looked like the others.
We never told anyone. Not even Kathy. And not to Betty either. And since then Betty and Kathy have both moved away and no one has done any lamppost decorating for a few years. But i still think about that Christmas feeling i had decorating that lamppost.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Photo: I took this photo on our T-Day Island trip but forgot to include it in my last post which is weird because it was one of my favorites. I think my favorite photos are ones that are simple and unencumbered. Feng shui.
OK, here's what i'm thinking:
1. Tiger Woods should send a thank you card to Amanda Knox.
2. Tiger should also be glad that he isn't a pro-bowler.
3. I am not sure if Amanda Knox is guilty or not because i've not kept up with the story in a big way (as i did in the OJ days), but if a book comes out i would likely read it and then make up my mind.
4. When did it happen that we were made to feel that we are WAY behind on Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. I remember a time when it was weird to hear Christmas carols on Dec. 1st or to put up a Christmas tree before Dec. 10th.
5. I want to be green. I really do, but have you seen those LED lights? They remind me of the terrible unflattering fluorescent lighting in grocery stores.
6. I have a thing against folks in our Evergreen State getting fake Christmas trees. We have the best Christmas trees in the world! Getting a fake tree, to me, is the same as having fake flowers in your house. I get shots and have terrible allergies to trees but i just take antihistamine because it's always been my thing....the Christmas tree.
7. My favorite Christmas Carol is o come o come emmanuel. My least favorite is either Jingle Bells or I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. (My favorite Christmas cd lately is Sarah McLachan's Wintersong. (I love how she does Joni's River.
8. Ok. let's talk about the four police officers who were killed in our state. These officers come from the town where we live. I didn't know them, but i do remember the woman officer driving around. and she was in some of our schools. This is a tragic shocking story. We were coming back from the island (where you never lock your doors) and on the ferry back Mrs. Modern Hippie (Kylee's mom) told me what happened. Lakewood isn't that big, about 65,000 people. It only became a city about 11 years ago. But we get so much bad press that I believe Brian's mom (who lives on the other side of the state) must think we risk our lives every time we venture out to the grocery store. (We even used to be featured on the TV show "Cops".)
We knew this would be national news when we heard it, but i was not thinking that someone as huge as Anderson Cooper would actually be doing the story. But he did. I feel bad for the Lakewood Police who lost their comrades. I feel bad for the families. I do. And every business in our town has some sort of message on their signs or windows. The support is absolutely amazing. The police station is piled with flowers and letters and cards and candles. People are putting blue lights in their windows.
But i wondered about this ....because we also live close to Fort Lewis where many of the soldiers are dying in Iraq and Afghanistan. They get a story in our News Tribune. Usually front page too. But the story is over in a day. There is nothing that comes close to the outpouring of support for our own soldiers as there is for these police officers. No listing of names on signs. No flags at half mast. So i'm thinking....if i were the mother of a soldier who died. How would i feel ?
9. And I can't help it, i was not sorry when i found out that a Seattle police officer killed the guy who did it.
10. Back to Amanda Knox for a minute... Why is this story so bigtime anyway? 'cause she's cute? 'cause sex is involved? Here is what is funny to me: Do you think that if Susan Boyle looked like Amanda Knox and sang just like Susan Boyle on that show, would she have been the YouTube sensation? AND if Amanda Knox looked like Susan Boyle, would the media care about the story of one American on trial for murder in Italy this much?
Ok, that's all i got. You don't have to post only about what i'm thinking. What are you thinking too that others might be thinking?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Giving happy thanks...without family...and without power!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Even when i've got nothing to say, i've got something. But it's kind of nothing. So i added photos.
In my glass: Fresca with a little bit of cranberry juice.
On my bedstand: "The Cruelest Month" mystery by Louise Penny.
What's good: It was a good family day. (Happy phone calls with my brother and nephew - one day at a time.) I had a good run this evening. And Brian's band played at The Swiss last Sunday and our friends came. It was fun and the best they've sounded. Here are photos of the night. (The top one is my self-portrait in the bathroom.)
What's not good: I feel bored at work. No challenge lately. I also have no ideas about Christmas presents. And i feel like i should be doing something but i don't feel like it.
Last iTunes purchase: Steven Carlson's version of "She's Not There".
OK, on with the random thoughts. (I really don't know what i have to say.)
1. These photos are the lights outside The Swiss. The photo below with the foosball players i liked because it has an Edward Hopper-y feel to it.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Half Full or Half Empty? Come Here & Take a Test!
on iTunes: Chris Robinson (from the Black Crowes) doing "If You See California". I just bought it, so this answers the second part.
Last iTunes purchase: See above.
What I'm reading: Recommended by Sarah/Cowboy a mystery by Louise Penny called "Still Life". I like it!
Looking forward to: This Wednesday because I get Veteran's Day off!
New iTunes Discovery: Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers. they are awesome! I bought songs from Glassjaw Boxer.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
My brother and his oldest son are still having some struggles that i worry very much about. But i'm learning to not keep the worry to myself or to act as if i am the only one who can help. And in doing so, some good things have come about and i am having some real hope for them both and for us all. My brother sent me an email this weekend that i saved and printed out because it made me realize how much I can learn from him.
I don't know of a single soul right now who has more reason to feel that his glass is totally empty than he does. But he doesn't. First, he lost his marriage. Before that, he found out he lost his good credit through no fault of his own. (Part of the reason for #1) Then he lost much of his belongings because he didn't change the locks soon enough. Last spring he got notice that his house that he loves and bought 15 years ago will likely foreclose. Last summer his dog died. And a few weeks later he had to sell his horse because he could no longer afford him. And just when it seemed like he could lose nothing else, he lost his son. And all of this happened only since last January.
But he wrote me after a particularly difficult day last week about how he feels lucky in spite of all that has happened to him. And he really does see the glass as half full, in spite of all that has happened. He is working hard at putting that one foot in front of the other every day and helping his son do the same. I don't often think this way, but i can't help but feel that God is walking with him. (Remember that old one set of footsteps parable?)
Anyway, it got me thinking of how often i see the negative before the positive. And i want to work on that more. I have so many ways in which I am blessed and very little bad has happened to me personally and i need to be reminded of that.
Anyway, in thinking about all of this and needing to change my blog i found this online test from and the link is below. I thought it would be interesting for us to take it. You don't have to tell us the results if you don't want to, but maybe you can share any examples of how you look at life as the glass half full.
My results (and i was really trying to be very honest): You are a pretty happy person. Your glass is half full. Great!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Things i have recently discovered...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's too hard being perfect so I'm going to start being irrresponsible.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
High School Year Favorites (70's) : Cat Stevens, Ali MacGraw, American Pie, Serpico, Catcher in the Rye and more...
Listening to: Faithfully Remain by Ben Harper (Thank you eque for this beautiful song!)
In my glass: La Crema chardonnay
Last music purchased: I actually bought 3 cds from Amazon: Van Morrison's Astral Weeks, the new Brandi Carlile and the new David Gray. They haven't arrived yet.
Reading: David Ellis is the prosecutor who nailed Blagojevich. AND he's a pretty good writer too. I'm reading The Hidden Man. (I love courtoom dramas.)
Last good Netflix movie: I just finished "The Groomsmen" which is written and directed and stars Ed Burns. I loved this movie! So did Brian. Ed Burns has interested me since he directed The Brothers McMullen in the 90's. He does such a good job making New York movies filled with great characters that you care about. This is just a really good story.
Troy wrote me an email recently about listening to Cat Steven's Foreigner Suite cd and it got me to thinking about Cat Stevens and how much i LOVED him when i was in high school. I still have most all of his vinyl records which i play on my patio stereo in the summertime. Only this year the stereo seems to be broken and i didn't get to play them. I purposely didn't want to buy them on cd before because i liked the special-ness of listening to them in the summer. But now I might have to break down and replace them with cds. Because the truth is 40 years later, i still love Cat Stevens. (My favorite songs were Wild World and Father and Son, Hardheaded Woman.) To me he was THE most handsome man. (I bet equeyaya will like him because he's a little bit like Sayid on Lost.)
Anyway, i was trying to come up with a new blog idea. And it got me to thinking about the 70's and all the stuff i had passion for back then.
So here is my list:
1. I had a total girl crush on Ali MacGraw from Love Story and wanted to look exactly like her. (The closest i got is that i have catepillar eyebrows very similar to hers. )
2. I probably fell in love with Al Pacino as Serpico for the obvious reason that he reminded me of Cat Stevens. To this day i do love a man who knows how to look good in a beard. (I probably married my second ex husband for this stupid reason.) Kris Kristofferson is another man who comes to mind. The Serpico movie was very good though too. Still a favorite movie.
3. Don McLean's American Pie. I knew every word to this song. I might still. I wore that song out on my reel to reel. (Remember those???)
4. Catcher in the Rye was my favorite book. I discovered it around the time our English teacher was making us read A Separate Peace, Cry the Beloved Country, and My Antonia. I HATED those books.
5. I also loved Valley of the Dolls and Peyton Place.
6. I am embarrassed to admit that i read Rod McKuen poetry. (But mostly for the sexual references. I remember a line: "I plunged my life deep into hers...." He was really bad. How did he get to be published?
7. I also pretended to like Kahil Gibran's The Prophet. But really i didn't. I just read it because everyone else seemed to be.
8. Truth be known, i don't much care for poetry at all unless it's funny and rhyming. I like to read what is clear to me without metaphors and symbolism. I don't have much patience for trying to read between the meanings.
9. I also loved football back then and was a big fan of Joe Namath, Larry Csonka, Roman Gabriel (I loved quarterbacks. Gabriel played for the LA Rams and also acted in a movie The Undefeated with John Wayne and Rock Hudson. Roman Gabriel played an Indian and i thought he was so cute!)
10. I also had many albums by Grand Funk Railroad. I loved Mark Farner. (I have always liked long hair on men, but not the combination of a beard AND long hair, just one or the other. ) My favorite Grand Funk song was "Mean Mistreater".
11. I used to fantasize about being married and having kids. And as mentioned earlier somewhere on this blog, i was going to name my daughter Harmony.
12. Somewhere out there Harmony is very happy with a different mom.
13. My favorite food back then was french fries with gravy.
14. I remember when i got my first little cassette player. I was so proud of it! My brother Scott and I used to record our voices on it. Sometimes singing to records! We were so terrible.
Ok, i had to add Roman Gabriel from that movie, The Undefeated. (Now that i think about it, i seem to remember thinking if Harmony was ever to have a baby brother, i might name him Roman.)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Let's do the Saturday Shuffle...
What I'm doing right now: making a cd mix for my nephew Brian.
What I should be doing: Actually...nothing. My house is clean and my laundry is done.
What I'm thinking about doing: Putting on some shoes and a bra and heading out to Albertson's to buy another iTunes card cause i'm down to 79 cents.
My new favorite song: thanks to equeyaya, it's Long Grey Mare by Fleetwood Mac. It makes me want to go dancing. What a great song. I love harmonica.
What i'm reading: The Doctor's Wife, it's a psychological thriller. So i'm told. I like it so far. I am also reading about three other books. I forget their titles.
What i'm drinking: Some red Gatorade.
What I'm thinking about drinking: There is a bottle of Toasted Head Chardonnay that i'm thinking about opening up.
My last favorite thing i bought: I was at Costco the day before yesterday and they had these super soft tank tops for $12.99.
What I'm putting on my nephew's cd mix: That Black Crowes song The last place that love lives and the Long Grey Mare and some John Hiatt and Delbert McClinton because he is taking guitar lessons from my Brian's friend and wants to start playing the blues.
If i had a hammer: I would NOT hammer in the morning, I would beat in the heads of some of the union members who voted back in the incumbent president. I might also use it on Glenn Beck and Kanye West.
My new favorite commercial: Actually used to be my least favorite commercial. It's the "Cell Phone Minute Mom"... Not being hot on cell phones, i totally forget what the ad is for, but i think you know what i mean. Anyway, it's grown on me for some weird reason. It is the one with the mom and her kids in the back seat of the car and the cell phone minutes. I love when she stares down her son and he looks away. Great acting in such a short commercial.
What i am procrastinating about: I do want to fix that red shoe photo in Photoshop and take it to the printer and have it framed. The photo on my blog shows up dark so it's hard to tell why it might be frameable, but it is. At least i think so. I am also proscrastinating about doing some touch up painting around the house.
Song playing right this very minute: Sister Hazel Fortress. I just discovered this band from iTunes. I really like this song. It's on the cd mix i just made.
Looking forward to: John Irving's new book, Brandi Carlile's new cd.
Biggest Disappointment Lately: Pat Conroy's new book South of Broad.
Guilty Pleasure: I blame louielouie. Both of us keep up with that wretched awful lame-o Mary Worth comic strip. EVEN after our local newspaper dumped it. it was her fault. I wrote a Letter to the Editor years ago protesting the dumping of Boondocks and listed Mary Worth as a strip worth dumping more. louielouie said i couldn't speak of such things unless i actually read mary and knew what i was talking about. So i started reading it. And got hooked. it's so stupid, you can't stop making fun of it. We share many emails about the characters in this strip as if they were friends of ours in real life.
If ever i was to karaoke: I would sing Summer Wine. And my husband Brian could sing the guy part of it. Hint: if you ever need to do a song, try one that Nancy Sinatra once did. These Boots are Made for Walking is a good one to try too.
What i wish would go away: Kate and Jon Gosselin tabloid news. I knew them when they were happy. those poor kids.
What I'm going to do right now after posting this: Pour myself a glass of Toasted Head. And get my Doctor's Wife book.
OK y'all know the 'rules'....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday Stuff-ing.
In my glass: Toasted Head chardonnay.
Last iTunes purchases: Jason Isbell, Drive by Truckers, and a cool gal named Eilen Jewell (not to be confused with that Jewell chick from Alaska who writes bad poetry and used to live in her van.)
Best thing that happened this week: For the first time in a month since his son died, I saw a glimmer of hope that my brother Troy was starting to sound like his old self. He and his son Brian are far stronger than i ever knew.
Photos: Brian's band played last night and i saw this gal wearing red high heels with black knee highs and she danced so cute. I kept trying to get a photo of her dancing shoes and got lucky when her left foot stepped in the light. The other photo is Brian standing in the doorway of the place where they played. It has a half moon and the sign popped out without flash.
What i keep forgetting: To watch the new season of The Office. Thank goodness for DVR. And TXGrits, we still haven't watched the Georgia O'Keefe show yet. Have you?
If someone gave me a thousand dollars and told me i had one day to spend it only on myself: I actually had to think about this, but i think i might spend it on underwear and new boots. I might also use about $300 of it on iTunes.
The best decision i made this week: Brian and i booked Thanksgiving for a four day vacation on the Puget Sound, just ourselves. No family. (We have never blown off a family holiday before, so it's kind of brave of us).
Famous people i would like to meet: Obama's daughters, the author Richard Russo (I just know he would be a terrific guy) and Tyler Florence from The Food Network.
Least likely famous person i want to meet: SO many, but these folks come to mind: Glenn Beck, Donald Rumsfeld, That chick from the Progressive Insurance commercials, Sean Hannity, Jim Carrey.
I told you so: I always knew that John Edwards was not a candidate i could ever support. I NEVER liked him and loved it when Don Imus used to always call him an empty suit. He was too schmoozy. (I love how Eugene Robinson wrote an article about him being a total cad.)
My new favorite song that I am getting ready to wear out: Last week it was the one Kylee was talking about (The Black Crowes, The Last Place that Love Lives). This week it might be I Believe by JJ Grey and Mofro. (I forgot to mention i did buy Mark Knopfler's new cd and a bunch of a band called Sister Hazel.)
What I am looking forward to: a new union president at my office after this election is over - (it would make my life so much easier); no family dramas; autumn weather; our four day getaway during Thanksgiving.
I am thankful: that i was not born an only child. (Sometimes my parents drive me crazy enough to make me often wish i was an orphan. But i do love my brothers.) They are so cool and so freaking handsome and just really good men. I am very proud to be related to them. I am also thankful for my good friends. I am thankful for underwear that fit perfectly and don't ride up your butt, my new jeans that are expensive, but so comfortable and fit so well, that i live two miles from work, and for my husband, for so many reasons.
Edited to add: I am also thankful for Kylee, who has made it possible for me to not have children of my own without regret. She is not only a surrogate daughter, because she is also like a surrogate sister and a best friend all rolled in one.
OK, your turn!
Here are my hat photos that Brian took tonight. Thank you TXGrits. I love them! They are so cute!***************************