Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just Your Regular Weekday Menu

I had to change that Oscar Post. I would go mad if i only watched the Oscars. They are so boring. But live blogging always helps me get through it. I think next year I'll focus on the Golden Globes. It's always more fun with alcohol. And the Academy Awards take themselves wayyyyy to seriously.

Menu of the Day:

In my glass: 1/2 of a pint of IPA. Brian already drank the other half with his dinner. It's called Bitch something. Not bad, though I'm not an IPA drinker. But i didn't get home from work until after 7 pm and a beer sounds good.

Beer vs wine: For me one beer is always good for me. But i rarely ever want to turn down a second glass (or third) of wine. Which is why i try to keep the wine for the weekend.  I actually sleep pretty good with a beer. But i never sleep good with wine.

The Best Thing that Happened this Week: I'm actually having to think about this one. It's not been a bad week, i just can't think of anything super cool right now. I'll come back to this.

What I'm procrastinating about: Probably what most of us are....TAXES. I need to try and get these done this weekend.

Funny thing about my husband: He is on this health kick lately. I sort of hate it when he gets into these phases. We have lots of food in the house now. But it's WEIRD food. And nothing good to eat. I don't care for figs and prunes and all these root vegetables. some i don't even recognize. And today he was putting his soaked overnight beans into a slow cooker and throwing all kinds of shit from the refrigerator into it for his soup, for which i don't think he had a recipe.

And as i watched he started throwing in the spring salad mix. "Uh....Brian, that's LETTUCE you are adding to your soup, not spinach!"  I told him. "Well, it's all greens", he replied. (I did not eat that soup.)

The weirdest thing about the Oscars this year: How Angelina posed with her high slit dress, going to great lengths to show off her leg. I meant to make mention of it in my live blogging and didn't get around to it. Was she just messing with us?

Besides: her leg is too skinny anyway.

The Cutest thing about the Oscars: I liked the presentation by Emma Stone.

OH, i just remember the Best Thing This Week: Last night when i got off work i was able to run and finish a 50 minute run before it got too dark. That's the first time I've been able to do that. I don't have to run the condo circle for a dozen times, i can do my route and even go longer. Winter is waning away!

What's irritating me: This is for the locals who blog here. If you read The News Tribune there is the most obnoxious advertisement for crawl spaces in every gawddamn paper every damn day. It's got a big ugly rat in the photo that is designed to scare the beejeezus out of anyone who has to wonder what is living underneath their floors or in their attics now. Personally, having been in our crawl spaces (my husband, not me actually) many times in the past year we have no worries, nor have we ever. And i suspect most other folks don't either. But if you don't check them out, these ads could make you anxious. Amanda and louielouie will know what i'm talking about.

Notes to Self:
Longest run this week: 56 minutes.
Sunset: 5:54 pm
All time blog views: 25,673
Popular blog post this week: "Velvet Sledgehammer - My New Favorite Wine and My New Favorite Commercial" from Oct. 15, 2011 got 167 page views this week. People must be looking for this wine through Google. (The commercial was that little girl driving the car and her Dad warning her. Only she's not really a little girl.)

So what's on your menu this week, y'all?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who are you wearing? What are you drinking? Live Blogging about the Academy Awards!

first off, let's talk about Who I am Wearing: i am wearing Adidas sweat pants and a Costco tank top. Bare feet. And my Skagin watch as my only jewels. My hair is swept up in a post-run messy french braid. I look fabulous!

I love that Billy Crystal is hosting. I like when he hosts. But i expect to be somewhat bored because i think The Artist is going to take all of the Oscars and i didn't see it and i don't get why a silent movie could be so hot. And seriously did i read that correctly? It's nominated for screenplay?

I loved all the red carpet dresses. Nearly all of them. Maybe not Emma Stone's big red bow so much, but most all of them. Especially George Clooney's girlfriend. I loved Gwenneth Paltrow too.

and speaking of George. I know it won't happen,  but i am really pulling for Brad Pitt to win Best Actor.

Anyone watching..?.i hope you drop in.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Enough of The Hair Nonsense!....Let's Play Either/Or

I'm just making these up as I go along and i hope y'all will come back and make up your own for us to choose. Just copy and paste the questions and tell us which of the two people/items/places/etc would be YOUR choice. I'll add mine in the Comments section. 

1. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston

2. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt

3. Any city in Hawaii or New York City

4. Foo Fighters or Nirvana

5. Pulp Fiction or Fargo

6. Pulp Fiction or Grease

7. Van Morrison or Van Halen

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan

9. Jimmy Fallon or Seth Myers

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards

11. American Idol or The Voice

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain

14. Rain or snow

15. Ocean or river

16. Mardi Gras or any other holiday

17. Birthday or Christmas

18. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones

19. Friends or Seinfeld

20. The Office or 30 Rock?

21. Adele or Amy Winehouse

22. Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse

23. Vegas or any city in Hawaii

Notes to Myself: 
Sunset : 5:45 pm
Longest Run this week: 55 minutes (tonight!)
All time views on this blog: 25,374
Page views last month: 1,122
Most viewed blog post all time: May 8, 2010 : "Because I'm Happily Bored We Interrupt this Blog" - think this was the post with celebrity eye candy plus a photo of my husband....  it has 1492 page views

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Enough of the positive shit. Edited to add hair fix photos and ready to put the hair drama to rest!

Feb. 20, 2012 - The top two photos are un-retouched taken in my bathroom with the skylight where the previous one was taken. Also added is the EXACT same photo i brought in with Drew Barrymore's reddish hair. So how Celeste can argue that she gave me exactly what i was asking for makes no sense. Also she claimed never to have seen the Drew Barrymore photo, though it was the largest of all and the girl at the desk said that she had seen that very same one. 

In addition to Drew's photo I also had a couple of photos from the actress who played the oldest daughter of George Clooney in The Descendants. The photos taken today don't look a whole lot different from the others, but they really are lighter. (and you have to remember the earlier ones I had already tried washing out the color), You almost had to see the other hair in person to understand how flat and lifeless it was. 

It is still too long and that is my next appointment. To cut off a few inches. But not short. I don't think i can handle much more change! 

I'll change this blog very soon but i didn't want to put a new hair one. Thanks y'all for weighing in! 

Ok, i tried to do the rainbows and the Good Stuff and the very magical snowy village photos from our historical Ice Storm of 2012....but i realize that when i turn things positive nobody posts.

Let's be honest. When we all say we hate negative political ads, we are lying. Because the truth is we listen to them And we vote by them too. Well probably nobody who posts here falls for that shit, because we are too smart. But there are far too many Americans do vote for candidates based on negative ads.

It's just way more fun to listen and respond and relate to stuff that pisses you off. So here we go, forget the Menu of The Day. What's your gripe? Here are mine:

1. When i FINALLY have some money in my iTunes account ($15.19) i seem to never be unable to find music i want to buy. And for gawd's sake, because i buy one stupid Graham Nash song, every single time that David Crosby/Graham Nash collaboration "Wind on the Water" keeps showing up over and over in my Recs. I do NOT want that music but yet it shows up every time i log on.

2. (The song i bought was "Be Yourself" which came out in 1971.)

3. When i have only .02 cents in my account is when i want to buy lots of music! And so i find myself in my sweatpants and slippers, no make-up and my hair in a twisted mess in the Albertson's store at 10:30 at night buying a $25 gift card cause i was hanging out on iTunes on a night home alone and ran out of money and just had to buy some more. ITune Crack Whore. That's what i am.

4. The good news is when i actually did do that one time i did not run into anyone i knew.

5. This is going to sound like a mean one: When the city i live in a couple of years ago lost four police officers in a Forza coffee shop because they were shot down by a crazed gunman, it made even Anderson Cooper news. Because of that, the donations for the family started pouring in big time. Really big time. Millions of dollars.

I never donated and never wanted to donate (and i may have even mentioned this in the blog somewhere at the time why). For one thing the pension would cover their families better than many pensions because they were on the job when they died. That makes the pension even more in the union. Also the kids were immediately offered free college tuition at more than one place. But i kept thinking about the soldiers in our area being killed who didn't get this outpouring of money for the officers. So i didn't donate.

And today the Breaking News was that one of their very own officers has embezzled at least $120,000 of that donated money. (Gambling is listed as one of the reasons, not hard to believe.) Because so much of the donations were in cash they can't even be sure about how much cash was stolen. I will never donate money as an emotional response to causes like this unless it is something like Red Cross and i would caution others to do so. Those obituaries written with requests of donations to the immediate family in 'lieu of flowers' should also be avoided, at least be wary of them. I have personal experience with the turmoil and fights that causes families when that happens. (Who gets to be in charge? How to spend the money? etc. etc.) Grief brings out opportunities. Not always good ones. Sometimes it's better to give flowers and the family will actually be better off.

6. Ok, so now we have Santorum Rising. Seriously?  (This is actually the most fun i've ever had watching the Republican bid for the White House!) If Obama can't beat any of these clowns, we really have a problem and i might want to lobby Gingrich to get that Moon Colony ready.

7. I keep posting on Facebook even as i want to deactivate my account. Now i have so much stupid stuff on my newsfeed that i feel like i must restart it all over. These people who post about their kids as if they were a life source in the way that not talking about them deprives them of oxygen is totally pissing me off. One 'friend' posts about her son and it's oogy to me. Almost like he is her quasi-husband since she doesn't have one. I'm telling you, some of those FB mothers need to get a life outside their kids.

8. The reason i will never buy Facebook stock is because those very MOMs are going to bring Facebook down. There i said it. I will most likely be wrong about Facebook just as i was about Rick Perry being the nominee (THANK GOD i was wrong on that one!) but if the moms are taking it over with their kids' sniffles, and awards, and , it's dead.

9. Speaking of moms. How about those One Million Moms who are upset with Ellen because she is a JC Penny's spokesman? Thank goodness Penny's is sticking by here. At least as of this writing.

9. Having said that, i do like some of the political updates on Facebook and i do like the music links mostly, and some of the quotes (as long as i they aren't the affirmation-y, build youself up pep talk kind of quote), and the photos and the breaking news. I heard about the Josh Powell story blowing up his house with his two kids by checking Facebook on my Kindlefire. I had followed that story so it was shocking to see it appear on my news feed.

10. I know i have more, but this is already too long and i know too long for Smartphone readers. I've been trying to make it shorter, but it's hard for me! What is pissing you off these days? What are your gripes?

Notes to self: 
Sunset: 5:23 pm
Blog Pageviews All Time: 25,858
Page views today: 21
Longest run this week: 1 hour: 16 min.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good stuff going on.

#1.....Same Sex marriage passed the Senate in our state of Washington 28:21. (And the House already has the votes they know.) Tonight i wrote all four of the Republicans who crossed party lines to vote yes. I sent them an email through the wa.gov site. I think we actually had three Democrats who voted no. fuckers.)

#2...My running game is coming along and without any aches and pains (so far)! I've been paying attention to running down the middle of the roads (when possible) to avoid the slants and that seems to be working. Come May i hope to be able to say at age 55 I completed a 13.1 mile run.

#3 Wine.....A pretty nice red blend in my glass.

#4 Two sunny days in a row. It's very rare in our state to have two sunny days in a row where you actually need sunglasses. The bad thing is i don't have sunglasses. This year my prescription ones don't work because my eyes changed (seemingly overnight almost!). But i don't care. It's SUNNY!

#5 My employer sent me a bonus check for $1000 for retiring. I was NOT expecting this at all. It arrived in the mail last night.  I am still trying to figure out how i want to splurge. Cause i think i need to NOT save this money.

#6 Planned Parenthood... Let's talk about this. The bad news first about Susan B. Komen cutting them off,  but the good news is that Planned Parenthood raised lots of donations since this happened. I send money regularly to them. (Because without PP, i might have a 37 year old daughter, named Harmony, running around causing trouble, probably in rehab, or on the Hoarder's reality show (because she might take after my mom!) or would be in jail for whatever since i would not known how to raise a child. (PP set me up with  the morning after pill the day after the very first time i had sex.)

 So i sent them another check yesterday, and in the memo part i wrote: "In lieu of Susan B. Komen" ...which i also support....but not anymore until they retract.

Notes to Self: 
All time history page views: 24,580
Page views today: 11
Page views last month: 1261
Sunset tonight: 5:14 pm... (this is the coolest! I love measure how much lighter it's getting. I think last time i put this up it was 4:47.

OK, so what's YOU'RE good stuff this week?