In my glass: Toasted Head chardonnay.
Last iTunes purchases: Jason Isbell, Drive by Truckers, and a cool gal named Eilen Jewell (not to be confused with that Jewell chick from Alaska who writes bad poetry and used to live in her van.)
Best thing that happened this week: For the first time in a month since his son died, I saw a glimmer of hope that my brother Troy was starting to sound like his old self. He and his son Brian are far stronger than i ever knew.
Photos: Brian's band played last night and i saw this gal wearing red high heels with black knee highs and she danced so cute. I kept trying to get a photo of her dancing shoes and got lucky when her left foot stepped in the light. The other photo is Brian standing in the doorway of the place where they played. It has a half moon and the sign popped out without flash.
What i keep forgetting: To watch the new season of The Office. Thank goodness for DVR. And TXGrits, we still haven't watched the Georgia O'Keefe show yet. Have you?
If someone gave me a thousand dollars and told me i had one day to spend it only on myself: I actually had to think about this, but i think i might spend it on underwear and new boots. I might also use about $300 of it on iTunes.
The best decision i made this week: Brian and i booked Thanksgiving for a four day vacation on the Puget Sound, just ourselves. No family. (We have never blown off a family holiday before, so it's kind of brave of us).
Famous people i would like to meet: Obama's daughters, the author Richard Russo (I just know he would be a terrific guy) and Tyler Florence from The Food Network.
Least likely famous person i want to meet: SO many, but these folks come to mind: Glenn Beck, Donald Rumsfeld, That chick from the Progressive Insurance commercials, Sean Hannity, Jim Carrey.
I told you so: I always knew that John Edwards was not a candidate i could ever support. I NEVER liked him and loved it when Don Imus used to always call him an empty suit. He was too schmoozy. (I love how Eugene Robinson wrote an article about him being a total cad.)
My new favorite song that I am getting ready to wear out: Last week it was the one Kylee was talking about (The Black Crowes, The Last Place that Love Lives). This week it might be I Believe by JJ Grey and Mofro. (I forgot to mention i did buy Mark Knopfler's new cd and a bunch of a band called Sister Hazel.)
What I am looking forward to: a new union president at my office after this election is over - (it would make my life so much easier); no family dramas; autumn weather; our four day getaway during Thanksgiving.
I am thankful: that i was not born an only child. (Sometimes my parents drive me crazy enough to make me often wish i was an orphan. But i do love my brothers.) They are so cool and so freaking handsome and just really good men. I am very proud to be related to them. I am also thankful for my good friends. I am thankful for underwear that fit perfectly and don't ride up your butt, my new jeans that are expensive, but so comfortable and fit so well, that i live two miles from work, and for my husband, for so many reasons.

Edited to add: I am also thankful for Kylee, who has made it possible for me to not have children of my own without regret. She is not only a surrogate daughter, because she is also like a surrogate sister and a best friend all rolled in one.
OK, your turn!
