Friday, November 27, 2009

Giving happy thanks...without family...and without power!

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With things going on i knew that i was going to need some kind of break from family this holiday so that i could make it all the way through to New Year's and remain sane. So we chose to skip Thanksgiving this year and made reservations at our favorite place on the water .

When we told people what we were doing for the Thanksgiving I expected them to look at us like we were weird, but many people were envious.

We brought more wine than we need, more books than i can read, and more food than we can eat and the four days off from work will REALLY feel like four days for the first time.

And yesterday afternoon at 1:30 as we were getting ready to roast our 6 lb turkey breast with carrots and celery the power went off. And Brian and i looked at each other and went uh oh. Our punishment for blowing off family?

We actually didn't mind at all. We had lots of candles, a wood stove, and we weren't entertaining 12 family members like the poor woman two cabins down. So Brian fired up the BBQ and we cooked the turkey and potatoes and beans that way. I wasn't able to make everything i had planned, but that was okay. We had plenty. The worst thing about the power is we didn't have a way to listen to music. (Here are pictures from the day.)

Five hours later almost to the minute of finishing our dinner, the power came back on and we just laughed and were a little bit sorry too.We were fully prepared to go the whole weekend improvising.

We did call our families and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving and I am thankful for all of them and also for their understanding and love.

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Menu of the Day: (I decided to put it at the bottom instead.)

in my cup: really strong coffee

what's going on: Brian's cooking bacon

last book read: Newsweek reporter Wolffe's "Renegade" book about Obama's campaign. VERY good. (I read it in one day.)

next book: Another Louise Penny mystery. (this is my third one. I love these books. These are not cheesy mysteries, they actually have lots of wisdom and remarkable characters that you wish were your neighbors.

music: Sinatra's "Can't take that away from you"

last iTunes purchase: Jason Isbell (forget the title)

looking forward to: putting up our Christmas tree this week and listening to Christmas music.

what i'm not looking forward to: I have NO ideas, nor have i started on, Christmas shopping.

quote: "We don't always have a choice how we get to know one another. Sometimes, people fall into our lives cleanly - as if out of the sky, or as if there were a direct flight from Heaven to Earth - the same sudden way we lose people, who once seemed they would always be a part of our lives." --John Irving "Last Night in Twisted River"

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I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Come tell us about it.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Even when i've got nothing to say, i've got something. But it's kind of nothing. So i added photos.

Menu of the Day

On iTunes: Stephen Kellogg "Big Easy" (I cannot get enough of this guy!)

In my glass: Fresca with a little bit of cranberry juice.

On my bedstand: "The Cruelest Month" mystery by Louise Penny.

What's good: It was a good family day. (Happy phone calls with my brother and nephew - one day at a time.) I had a good run this evening. And Brian's band played at The Swiss last Sunday and our friends came. It was fun and the best they've sounded. Here are photos of the night. (The top one is my self-portrait in the bathroom.)

What's not good: I feel bored at work. No challenge lately. I also have no ideas about Christmas presents. And i feel like i should be doing something but i don't feel like it.

Last iTunes purchase: Steven Carlson's version of "She's Not There".

OK, on with the random thoughts. (I really don't know what i have to say.)

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1. These photos are the lights outside The Swiss. The photo below with the foosball players i liked because it has an Edward Hopper-y feel to it.

2. I was a terrible foosball player back in the days of 1970's high school when foosball was so popular.

3. I actually never did like soccer, still don't.

4. In fact i think it's one of the reasons i didn't have kids. I could never see myself as being a soccer mom and i would hate to give up my Saturdays to watch my kid (who i'm sure would have been a lousy soccer player) play soccer in the rain and cold.

5. Someone needs to tell me what's going on the news. I've not been watching or reading. And all Comcast tells me is that Oprah made Kate Hudson squirm and Nicole Ritchie is in the hospital. (Neither headline riveted me enough to open it. )

6. Formatting this blog is freaking frustrating because i never know how it's going to space - you put a double space in but it won't show up. And you never know where the photos will end up. So you have to keep going back to edit. Do any of y'all who blog have this same problem? It's not consistent.

7. I am a huge fan of consistency. For example, if you are a bitchy type of person, then please always just be a bitch. Don't mess me up by being nice all of a sudden. I can totally accept that far better than someone who is hot and cold or passive aggressive.

8. I also realize people can't always be in a good mood (Lord knows I am not) but i have a difficult time being around someone is very often moody or sullen as a personality trait.

9. I was telling equeyaya on her blog that Brian and i just watched "The Wizard of Oz" too the other night. Then we got into this discussion about being scared as a child of the flying monkeys. Brian has a much better imagination than i do and gets more startled in scary movies than i do so of course he admitted he was scared of the monkeys. I was not. I don't remember ever being scared. But that night I was the one who had a scary dream about those damn monkeys.

10. Baby Boomers, remember when you used to wait all year long to watch "The Wizard of Oz"? And then if you were like us, you had to watch it on the damn black and white TV for years until the parents finally bought a color TV.

11. I also had a dream about John Mellencamp. And last week I had one about being Brad Pitt's girlfriend. (Angelina's name never even came up, he was so over her.)

12. People shouldn't talk about their dreams, huh? Cause when you do, there is really no good response for it is there? "Oh, that's cool you dreamt you saved a little boy's life from the clutches of a mountain lion and got on the cover of "Outside"magazine. Oh too bad it was a dream . But good for you being so brave in your dream!"

13. I tell you it's hard to be inspired while drinking Fresca. I'm much more clever writing after wine. (At least I think so.) But in real life i am so much LESS clever after drinking wine.

14. Actually i can say some real stupid things without thinking after three glasses of wine. It's like I channel Elodie, my mother.
15. Back to Kate Hudson for a second. I can't believe she dumped Chris Robinson (from The Black Crowes) for that Alex Rodriguez. He's cute, but he's a chump. I never did like him when he played for the Mariners. (So i hoped Oprah jumped her ass for something to do with Alex.)

OK, so that's all i got. Come and add your own random thoughts. I'll end it with a photo of my nephew Brian from last Sunday. He's cute.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Half Full or Half Empty? Come Here & Take a Test!

Menu of the Day:

on iTunes: Chris Robinson (from the Black Crowes) doing "If You See California". I just bought it, so this answers the second part.

Last iTunes purchase: See above.

What I'm reading: Recommended by Sarah/Cowboy a mystery by Louise Penny called "Still Life". I like it!

Looking forward to: This Wednesday because I get Veteran's Day off!

New iTunes Discovery: Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers. they are awesome! I bought songs from Glassjaw Boxer.

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My brother and his oldest son are still having some struggles that i worry very much about. But i'm learning to not keep the worry to myself or to act as if i am the only one who can help. And in doing so, some good things have come about and i am having some real hope for them both and for us all. My brother sent me an email this weekend that i saved and printed out because it made me realize how much I can learn from him.

I don't know of a single soul right now who has more reason to feel that his glass is totally empty than he does. But he doesn't. First, he lost his marriage. Before that, he found out he lost his good credit through no fault of his own. (Part of the reason for #1) Then he lost much of his belongings because he didn't change the locks soon enough. Last spring he got notice that his house that he loves and bought 15 years ago will likely foreclose. Last summer his dog died. And a few weeks later he had to sell his horse because he could no longer afford him. And just when it seemed like he could lose nothing else, he lost his son. And all of this happened only since last January.

But he wrote me after a particularly difficult day last week about how he feels lucky in spite of all that has happened to him. And he really does see the glass as half full, in spite of all that has happened. He is working hard at putting that one foot in front of the other every day and helping his son do the same. I don't often think this way, but i can't help but feel that God is walking with him. (Remember that old one set of footsteps parable?)

Anyway, it got me thinking of how often i see the negative before the positive. And i want to work on that more. I have so many ways in which I am blessed and very little bad has happened to me personally and i need to be reminded of that.

Anyway, in thinking about all of this and needing to change my blog i found this online test from and the link is below. I thought it would be interesting for us to take it. You don't have to tell us the results if you don't want to, but maybe you can share any examples of how you look at life as the glass half full.

My results (and i was really trying to be very honest): You are a pretty happy person. Your glass is half full. Great!