iTunes: Lay Me Down by Forest Sun. If you don't know Forest Sun. Check him out on his release For the Story . . . every song is so good.
Book: I am loving Ahab's Wife and have abandoned the other three books that i was reading at the same time. (My brother Troy and I always like the same kinds of books and he wasn't wrong about this one either.)
The Best Thing that Happened: I think Brian and and I are coming to a solid agreement about where we are going to live in our future.
The Other Best Thing: i had to work today at a big training for nearly 200 educators. It was so awesomely organized i was proud to be a part of it. And then the good folks i work with afterwards went out to a cool new wine bar. (I always love finding a new wine bar!) What was also cool was that when we left the bar after 7:00 pm. it was still light outside.
What I am envious about: louielouie/sarah this week called me on what was probably THE VERY worst rainy day these past few months. She called to remind me she was leaving for Hawaii the next day (her son Nick lives there - he's an officer in the Navy). What's notable about this is the last two times louie went to Hawaii, BOTH times it was snowing (and rather late in the wintertime too) the day before she left.
Ok, on to the list of the Stuff That Has Changed....
1. Excuuuusssseee Me! .... The reason i even thought of this subject was the other day Brian and I turned on David Letterman. Steve Martin was on that night and it was the most boring of interviews i have seen on Dave's show in a very long time. This is not the first time i've seen that Steve Martin has lost his edge and zip. I used to love him so much back in the day. (Did anyone else see how bad this Letterman show was?)
2. so it got me thinking ...what do we all observe about what's going on today that has changed? I think i've mentioned this before because it's so unsettling to me!....I forgot that i was going to get old. For so long and in every single job i have ever held, i was THE YOUNGEST person in the department. And now i am the oldest person in my office. So yeah, i forgot that i was getting older. (But i am reminded every day when i look in the mirror.)
3. Some things have changed for the better.
4. I just wrote that above and a full minute later i am still thinking about what to write. If i don't come back to it at the end, remind me later. Or at least come up with your own.
5. Music and bookstores. iPods. Pandora. No more going to the music store. I CANNOT believe that one of my favorite stores has closed its doors here. Borders Books & Music is gone in Tacoma. When Kylee/modern hippie was a little girl I used to take her to Borders. It was fairly new then and such a hot spot when it opened up. I used to buy all my books and music there.
6. I am partly to blame. I quit going to Borders when I got my iTunes account.
7. My eyebrows. My eyebrows have changed. In a really freaky funky wild hair out of this world way. They would take over my whole face if i let them, like a caterpillar on steroids.
8. Politics and Hope have changed: I thought Obama could get our country back on a more even keel after Bush and stop the polarization of the two right wing/left wing attitudes. But i was wrong because i underestimated the tenacity of the right wing to amp it up BECAUSE Obama was President. And now we have the Tea Party and worse.
9. I still have hope. And i hope Obama doesn't decide to say, 'f*ck it, i will not seek or accept the nomination for re-election." (but if Obama was/were (still don't know the proper word there) my brother, i might give him the advice to do this very thing, even as i wouldn't want him to really follow it...)
9. For ummagumma.
10. The country is going to hell in a handbasket when it comes to public schools and unions. And i worry about the future of how this country will change without unions and collective bargaining.
And i am most worried about is how the media has adopted this conception that public workers are the evils about who is to blame for our economy and i am incredulous that they would go after public workers in a way that bankers and corporate CEOS were never attacked. Including oil companies who have destroyed our environment. how did we come to a place where teachers are bigger villians and get more negative media attention from Fox News than the BP oil company who nearly destroyed Lousiana's coast?
Who will be left to tell the truth in the news? How long before Rachel Maddow is gone?
11. Thank-yous. I have mentioned this before too. It's a huge pet peeve.
Nobody thanks anyone anymore. Last summer I gave a $100 check (which was indeed cashed) for a wedding present to the daughter of Troy's best friend. I never got a thank you. ( Kylee's mom also said she didn't get one .) This bride is both our Facebook friends. How hard could it be to drop an email thankyou? This kind of thing seems to happening more often even as technology has made it easier to do so.
That's all i have for now. I'll be back with more later.