I loved her hair, her clothes, her eyeliner! |
This is from Restoration Housewife's actual ad that shows these cost $12.95 back then! |
I thought she was SO beautiful and i wanted to be her. |
I didn't really think i had a chance, because you have to know our newspaper. But i hoped that maybe the Tribune might decide to take a chance on me and wouldn't it be cool if they did pick me and let me run with anything i wanted to write?
I am not the greatest writer but some of those folks they have chosen for Guest Writers are BORING and BANAL, (Is that redundant?...probably why i didn't get chosen, i have a propensity to do that.)
One story was a woman writing about her grandmother's recipe and how as a little girl she loved making it with her... i forget the recipe i just remember thinking OH, how cutesy Norman Rockwell is that... barf!.....OK, enough about that. But you can bet when i read these Guest Writers in the coming months i will be blogging about them.
But before i get to it, let's do a short Menu for The Day, it's been awhile.
Book: I am reading River of Doubt, a Teddy Roosevelt biography and Susieatl, i think you read this. I posted the question on your FB page. Did you? It's good. I also am getting ready to read Louise Erdrich's Roundhouse, and Zodiac (because i saw the Jake Gynllenhall/Robert Downey Jr movie recently on Encore about the Zodiac California serial killer back in the late 60's & 70's ...)
Music: I can't remember if i mentioned that i recently discovered Ray Bonneville. My nephew Brian introduced him to me. If John Hiatt and Bob Dylan (the way he sounds now) had a baby, the baby would be Ray Bonneville.
Best Thing That Happened: Girl Night last Saturday with jj, louie, and louie's amazing daughter Emma at HG Bistro. And a nice long run, with my new young 17 year old running partner, Katie. (Kylee/Modern Hippie's first cousin on her mom's side). She and i are training for the half marathon together and we run the same pace.
Shout Out: Susieatl.... where you be?
Ok, on with the Stuff I Wanted....Come and post your stuff!
1. White GoGo boots. (We're talking Shindig era, 1968.)
2. Real skates, you know, the kind that were boots that you laced up, not the stupid key tightening kind.
3. I wanted Twiggy's short pixie cut.
4. Every Monkees LP... i had i think one of them and then a bunch of 45s, like Last Train to Clarksville, etc.
5. Remember mohair sweaters when they were popular? I so wanted one of those. (Just as well, i think i would have been allergic, and actually they were ugly too, like the GoGo boots, but i didn't think so back then.)
6. I wanted a Stingray bike with a sissy bar. I had the big Schwinn girl bike with the boring handlebars it seemed like an old lady bike. then mini-bikes came out and i wanted one of those too, but knew that would never happen.
7. I was a military brat living in Japan during 1969-1973 and during that time many of my friends were wearing POW bracelets. My Dad wouldn't let me get one. Maybe he thought it was too morbid, i have no idea, he never gave a reason.
8. I wanted to look like Olivia Hussey from Romeo and Juliet.
That's all i have for now.
Notes to Self:
Sunset: 5:01 (YAY! We are over the 5:00 pm mark!)
Hi Temp: 45 degrees
Low: 39
All Time Blog Views: 39,087