Thursday, May 28, 2015

18 Things I Think About While Doing Yoga

I actually have a better chance of being a professional football player than i do of ever becoming a 'yogi', but that doesn't mean I’ve given up!

This is my 4th week – I’m working on going Monday, Wednesdays Fridays. So far, so good... at least for attendance and commitment.

I’m liking how I feel in the morning, but I doubt that I will ever get into the Namaste-ness of it at all.

Here is what I thinking about yesterday when I was supposed to be "letting go of my pain and struggles in our lives” which is how our Wednesday instructor always gets us started.  

1. I can't believe i bought a bottle of olive oil that was only 8.4 ounces and cost $34! (When i got it home I also noticed that the expiration was 2-2-2014.)

2. That must be some pretty fucking awesome olive oil...

3. Shit, at $4 an ounce that would make any salad I made cost about $12 a serving!  (Maybe $15 if I use yellow peppers and avocado and pine nuts.) 

4. I need to return that olive oil. Hope I still have the receipt. 

5. I wonder if the owner of the shop who sold me the very jar I bought is mad at me and did this on purpose? 

6. Naw, she is not passive aggressive like that. She's a nice person. And i always write checks there and they never bounce. 

7. Dammit, I wish this instructor would quit constantly telling us when to inhale and exhale. Wow, but some people are exhaling SO hard. I wonder if anyone has ever collapsed from a heart attack in yoga? 

8. Is our instructor gay?

9. Oh God, I hate how my butt looks in this mirror when doing downward facing dog or forward fold.  I don't think even Giselle would want to look at her ass in yoga pants from behind.

10. Oh how I love to hate Giselle and her cheating husband Tom Brady.

11. I shouldn’t be thinking about hating on celebrities while doing yoga.

12. I really HATE downward facing dog. Can't wait to get to corpse pose.

13. Who comes up with these yoga terms anyway? Doesn't 'corpse pose' seem incongruent to yoga?

14. Am I using 'incongruent' correctly?

15. Oh crap, how did i get that bruise near my ankle? I hope it clears up before the wedding next weekend because it will show. and what's this one on my forearm? 

16. I am going to quit taking those baby aspirin in the summer. 

17. Ohhhh, FINALLY…. corpse pose. Love it. 

18. I really need to get my own mat. 

Note to Self: 
Longest plank: 3 minutes
Longest run this week: It will be todaywhen i run 5 miles to pick up my car which needed a new battery and alternator
Temperature: yesterday it was 80 degrees! First time putting on our air conditioner and it's not even June 1st
Book: You Couldn't Ignore Me if You Tried - about John Hughes and Cameron Crowe movies. Also loved The Splendid Things We Planned
Movie: Can't recommend high enough: Short Term - it's on the list of 23 Netflix Movies You Haven't Seen. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Hillary... Grey's Anatomy...My Favorite Baby... A random jocucina post....

My Favorite Baby.

1. I have lost a bit of my mojo for politics since those Gumbo days. Part of the reason is because my activism comes out when i am totally against something (as in the Iraq war and Bush/Cheney regime) and i didn't have as much reason with my choice of president in the last few years.

Having said this, i do admit i like presidential politics when it's all new again. So i might get my mojo back. And the reason i might get it back is because Bernie Sanders is running against Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination. I don't think he has a chance in winning any more than i have a chance in being the next Pulitzer Prize winning author. HOWEVER, i like that he is in the game. He will make Hillary a better candidate.

2. I am making no promises to work on Hillary's campaign, but if we are stuck with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz i am totally in.

3. Re: the photo above.  My Favorite Baby. This is my favorite nephew's boy. Baby Brady.  I never had this urge to have children, even as i loved being around kids. I am so thankful that i have a way to be a surrogate grandmother in my life right now. I am in love with this little guy. And what is so cute is my husband is a drummer in a really good band and is living his dream. We talk about how he will teach Brady how to play someday if that's what Baby Brady wants.

4. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy .... When i first heard about it, i Netflixed the first season and binge watched about 4 or 5 episodes during the mornings of my vacation time in summer. I quit watching about two seasons ago right before Dr. Yang (Sandra Oh) left because i felt it 'jumped the shark' about 5 or 6 time  by that time and that was my limit. But two weeks ago they killed off McDreamy Derek, THE main character. So i've watched those last two episodes. And it got me thinking about how i would cope if I lost Brian in an accident like that. Meredith, the wife character ran away from it all, from her job, from her friends, from her home....and i sort of got that. I think i might do that too if it happened to me. Though i might have a friend come with me when i do it. I would have louie/Sarah and my sister in law Marie (Kylee/Modern Hippie's mom) come with me if that happened if their husbands wouldn't mind.

5. The reason i say this is because too often the grieving person ends up being the comforting person to the friend/family/co-worker/casual acquaintance person. (Don't we all know these folks? If you have a story about this you should vent it here!)  That so pisses me off when people think they need to cry to show you how much they care.

6. Yoga Update: I have been 6 times to yoga since i last posted. OMG, it was hard that first time, and it is still not easy, but i'm getting into a groove and rhythm. I think this is going to be a habit like running. I will not likely get the breathing down. I will probably ALWAYS open my eyes and look around, and i am pretty damn sure i will never clear my mind, especially if the teacher is so off base that he thinks the Beatles performed the 'Turn, Turn, Turn' song. But i love how it makes me stretch and work my muscles.

Namaste, jojo