Note: I'm updating the video to a more current one: Jimmy Fallon Green Day impersonation with Lost show lyrics from the Emmy's.
Menu of the Day:
iTunes: "Time Waits for No One" by the Stones. (recent purchase from iTunes).

In my glass: La Crema chardonnay.
The video: You all know it probably. The SNL video that put them back into play as a great show.
Book: Bad Things Happen. I finished John Irving's Twisted River book. I really liked it. He's gotten back to his style of Owen Meany and Ciderhouse Rules, just like the reviews said.
The Best Thing That Happened: Last night my whole family went to a fabulous wedding last night of the daughter of my brother Troy's best friend (who is like family to all of my family). It was informal and so much fun. The bride did wear a really beautiful wedding dress. But the ceremony was outside where we sat on bales of hay covered in burlap. The altar was made of barkless tree limbs tied together that the groom built. The food was wonderful pulled pork and their flowers were put together by her friends who just went and bought lots of huge bouquets and stuck them in mason jars. They had Christmas lights adorning the covered deck. It was beautiful. And the best part was that it probably cost about $3000. It was one of my favorite weddings i've been to (next to my own, which also cost only about $3000 or $4000.) They had a live blue grass band and we all danced. Kylee's friend Eddy (and my new favorite pick for her husband) was their photographer.
What i keep procrastinating about: dumping some of my clothes out of the closet.
1. Why do i have to keep reading something about this Katy Perry? Who the hell is Katy Perry anyway? And can someone get her off of the internet? I'm sick of her already and don't even know who she is (I'm sick of her in the same way i am sick of Brangelina stories, Lindsey Lohan stories, and anything Kate Gosselin.
2. I keep trying to get my brother's son Brian, who is a writer wannabee (and he does have talent i believe) to start a blog. Yesterday he was saying something to me at the wedding, just rambling stuff while we were watching the blue grass band. And i must have looked at him puzzled at whatever it was he said (i forget now what he said) and so in his laconic, laid back way he responded with "Sometimes i say stuff.... just to say stuff." And i said. 'That's it! That's your blog name! '
3. Today was the first day i think i've been home and NOBODY has been at the pool. To me that is the first day of fall. I welcome the autumn season. I like running in this season the most. I like serving dinner too because the light isn't bright when you set the table and you can light the candles and maybe even have a fire that illuminates the mood. I sleep better at night. And i can drink red wine more often, which is more my favorite than white.
4. I love watching home TV networks during the weekend. I totally get inspired by the HG channel. Last Friday after watching a bit i got up and washed my windows and started thinking about what else i can get rid of in my closet/garage/drawers. I want to feng shui my life.
I am not very motivated today to do this blog so i'm just going to hit send and hope y'all come here and add whatever is on your mind. I just didn't like seeing that mudflap booby girl on my past blog.
lol, mud flap girls was bugging me, too!
this morning i stopped at the ATM to get some cash for Mel at school before we got on the turnpike, and my checkbook with my debit card was gone. so i spent half an hour going back to the grocery store and then home before i found it put away with my date book for whatever reason. so we got a late start on our day.
we got her settled in to her new room with her new roommate. i like the roommate and her family and their room looks really cute. but it's really small, it was hard getting the furniture to fit because they didn't want to bunk the beds, but in the end it looked ok, although not so feng shui.
so i'll miss mel, but she's where she needs to be and i know she's happier at school. grace was dj for the ride home with her ipod, so i am totally rapped and death metaled out, lol.
i'm trying to watch the emmy's because of lost, but it's really the only show i watched, so i can't relate to any of the rest of it. i can't decide if i want to watch more tv, or if i'm really ok with being out of the loop on television.
i really enjoy spending time with my daughters and think they are very interesting people.
i like your name for brian's blog. tell him i'll read it, so there, he already has two followers, haha!
hey, i looked on here before you added your text and there was a picture of your stratego game. where'd it go?
yeah i took it off. I realize i shouldn't have even tried to change my blog because i had no inspiration, other than i needed to get rid of that other post at the top. I guess i could have just changed the mudflap photo! LOL. I just want to keep the blog moving whether or not have i have anything to say.
that's why i liked my nephew Brian's response about Saying Stuff just to be saying stuff.
I think he is like me in being intimidated about how to get started. I resisted it too so i should just set up a Google account for him and get it started like My Brian did for me.
My Randoms:
*Watching the newest My Boys - quality TV. It's a fun show and with the Chicago references, it's more fun for me.
*spent the day fighting with the daughter who lives here and by default her husband got stuck in the fray. (poor guy). She seriously needs a mood stabilizer. I HATE Asperger's most days.
*Spent Tuesday sending Sam to school (Hope College) What a wringer. I'm too old for this moving and hauling and driving 3 hours one way. TOO old.
*I didn't like the mud flap booby girl either - mostly cuz you know she's stupid and pointing the wrong way.
*Never got into Lost. Just don't have that much control of the remote. However, if the all the people who live here would STOP shutting off my recordings of Warehouse 13 - well life would be an easier place. (SYFY - check it out - SUCH fun)
*work again tomorrow. Off Thurs, Friday, and next Monday, Tues. Lots of days with the Huey. Could be interesting - but I stocked up on a new favorite wine from Trader Joe's - Epicurio. (blue label). Mmmm. (red in case you're wondering)
Tiff's wedding was AMAZING. Eddy told me he already started editing the photos from the hour break he had from me dropping him off till the time he had to go to his next job (which was only a 2 hr break)
katy perry was one of the judges on american idol jo, the one where the creepy guy said "you make me feel dirty katy" and shes also married to the cool british guy -- i forget his name but he was in 'forgetting sarah marshall' and well i dont think you'd have seen the other movies he was in... hes a crack up though
hahaha I can hear Brian saying "sometimes I say stuff, just to say stuff" i think i've actually heard him say that before. lol
he did tell me he saw my website and didnt realize that i could draw and then he says "you know, you're not as good as me so if you ever need help and im not busy i can do all your drawings for you" that might only be funny to jo because shes the only one who really knows brian and im sure who can hear the way hes saying it haha
kat - i love my boys! i watched when they first came out but its like they went on a long sabbitcal or something, i'm glad they're back its like the new 'friends'
Do you have any pictures from the wedding, Jo? It sounds like exactly what I would pick. Where did they have it? What sort of dress did she pick? Do you know the name of the band? I want more details!
(Sidenote: I have an unnatural obsession with other people's weddings. I apologize.)
Katy Perry produces some of the worst music I've ever heard. But, she has two of the most beautiful REAL boobs I've ever seen. They are genetic marvels. She's in the same category as Christina Hendricks (from Mad Men) who is my girl crush right now. If I could wake up and have that kind of vavoom, I'm sure I'd get free coffee and men would offer to carry things for me. Christina Hendricks is also a size 12, which makes me love her even more.
This weekend, I saw a mudflap booby-style girl...but she was wearing a dress and she was reading a book. It was awesome.
Kylee, it does sound exactly like Brian. And yes, he can write, but he can't draw.
Amanda, i think photos will be out soon from Ms. Hippie's friend Eddy's website. (Kylee, you'll have to keep us posted.
The bride's dress cost only $250 but looked like one of those from Say Yes to the Dress. It was ivory and long and straight lined, it had that roushing (sp?) at the hip that was very flattering to her frame. The groom did not wear a tux, but he looked nice.
The blue grass band was great. One of the members is the instructor for the bride's dad. Not sure if they even had a name.
They were indeed taking a risk having the ceremony in a field across the way from the reception which was at their house. Which they rent on the Puget Sound. If it had rained it could have been disaster and all of us would have crowded on the covered porch where the band was.
the island it was mythical
but in the end they died
i didn't understand it
but i tried
yep, that pretty much sums it up!
i never realized how talented Jimmy Fallon is. I thought he did great in the stuff I saw him do last night. I liked the Glee thing too, with the too brief part with Jorge Garcia.
Grace loves Katy Perry. Her musical tastes are all over the map. Here's a youtube of her that's really over the top, lol!
you've got to watch to the end for the part with the whipped cream, too funny!
this one's funny, too.
i think she's like lady gaga in that she actually is pretty talented but she exploits it to play to a certain demographic where she can make the most money.
She kind of reminds me of that Zooey girl from Almost Famous (who also sings with M. Ward, i think it is.) From what i saw the video is cute with the dolls, but it's not my style. I guess i get suspicious of artists whose hype overrides their music. Lady Gaga is another one. Ick.
Oh, and Jimmy Fallon is pretty talented! I really liked him on SNL. Even when he couldn't stop from laughing in the skits.
I bet he wrote those Lost lyrics, eque! I forgot to watch the Emmys but i did see his Springsteen impression.
I'm so upset right now I want to go cry.
p.s. Jo -- Zooey Deschanel who sings in the band "she and him"
i'm boycotting your blog right now because of Eque! :(
oh p.s.s. Eddy will probably put some that he reallys likes on his website but he'll do a seperate flicker page just for the wedding (of ALL the photos, well not ALL, i'm sure he'll delete some...probably like the 20 I took of all you girls in the span of 2 seconds lol when you guys all said "what you already took the picture?" "yeah I took like 10" haha
p.s.s.s. (lol) I will keep you updated on when the photos are ready -- I know he started on them already but his work schedule has been ridiculous (he worked 60 hours last week just at his job, did the wedding, had another photography gig on sunday night and had to go back into work again on sunday night after his gig) so I know he's working on them but it might be some time...
Kylee, you're reading too much in the lyrics... Barbara did NOT spoil it for you. Trust me.
By the way, technically you should have been mad at me anyway since i posted the YouTube!
do you forgive me, kyleeeee? :(
yes, jo, i see katy perry and lady gaga the same way you do. sort of a commentary on our society, lol!
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