Weather: Rainy, rainy 60 degree day. I actually welcomed it.
In my glass: a really good $9.99 South African cabernet with a cool name" Arabella".
What's cooking: Bread in my oven. OH, it smells so good!
Music: Big Head Todd & the Monster's acoustic version of "Bittersweet". I never get tired of this song.
What i am procrastinating about: Still haven't sent that sympathy card, but that's only because the former condo board president's wife wouldn't know me at all anyway and sometimes it's nice to still get a card when all the family leaves and you're alone in your grief.
Good thing: Connecting. I like having friends who you don't see very often but when you do, you pick up right where you left off. I don't have lots of friends i see on a regular basis but i do have these friends who i connect with in a real friendship, even if that means we only see each other 4-6 times a year. My friend Karie (who photographed our wedding) was over last night for wine and the 4 hours went by so fast!
Bad thing: My friend Toni's (who worked with me for 22+ years) husband is in the hospital very sick with staph infection. What's amazing is to find out that my friend i've known for so long is such a rock at work and falls apart in a crisis when it comes to her family. (He's going to be okay, but will be sick for a long time.)
What i don't like right now: Someone once told me (was it you louielouie?) that when you turn 50 you become surrounded with sickness and death. We are at the age where our parent's health is failing and we find ourselves going to more funerals than weddings. And to top it off you are menopausal and not in the very best shape to deal with all this shit in the first place.
About my Obama image: I hope this link works if you want to read part of the article. It's a great article. Obama kicks ass. (You Facebookers will know that i have this quote linked. )
"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election...People need to shake off this lethargy, people need to buck up. Bringing about change is hard and we've got some lumps to show for it. But if people want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place."
Ok, that's the Menu: how about we all add our own Menu & answer 5 questions?
1. What would like someone to say about you in your eulogy?
2. What are you looking forward to?
3. Think about a fictional character you really liked. If you could make them a real person, which one would you choose?
4. What TV show is your guilty pleasure?
5. What book are you most likely to read a second time?
1. What would like someone to say about you in your eulogy?
That I loved life, my husband and kids, and I didn't want my service to be boring, so you're going to hear Spirit in the Sky, Atom Bomb, and a couple of other eclectic tunes to remember me by.
2. What are you looking forward to?
To decide whether or not we want to buy this house. The landlord is having money problems and we could conceivably walk right into it. We have to talk about it and get some information. Right now, I don't know.
3. Think about a fictional character you really liked. If you could make them a real person, which one would you choose?
Dr House. We need more physicians who would fight to save you.
4. What TV show is your guilty pleasure? law and order criminal intent with vincent and katie. i watch the reruns whenever I can find them.
5. What book are you most likely to read a second time? Other than the Bible> Forensic mysteries because I tend to read fast and miss things.
i answered your questions but I was still logged onto erins accounts and when i tried to sign out it erased everything. i hate that this happens so much its why i boycot!
I did not say that about being 50!!
One of your other depressing friends
I'm liking my 50s
When I was a teenager, I decided I wanted a Conrad Aiken poem read at my funeral. It's dramatic and not really me at all anymore, but I still hope my parents do it. Otherwise, I don't want anyone to say much of anything. What is there to say really? "I am no king, have laid no kingdoms waste/Taken no princes captive, led no triumphs/Of weeping women through long walls of trumpets/Say rather I am no one, or an atom..." That's from the poem. But, it's true. We're all atoms. One of millions. Mostly silent. (Also from the poem. I forgot how good it is! I think I was smarter and more interesting at 17 than I am now.)
I'm looking forward to picking out my pumpkin at a local patch and carving it. There may be a corn maze involved, as well.
The fictional character I'd like to be real is Charles Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie, but only because I really wish I was Caroline. (I'm back on the Little House shows on Hallmark and daydreaming about having my own homestead.)
My TV guilty pleasure is Bridezillas. It's such trash. Really. The women are horrible and the show is getting more and more ridiculous every season. I need to stop. It's getting scripted, I just know it. Either that or there is a generation of women who really need to be pushed off a big cliff.
I'd like to read The Road again. I loved it so much, but it was painful. I'm taking a break.
The new blog layout is a nice change. Makes it fresh!
I miss the jodance photo. :(
1. What would like someone to say about you in your eulogy? That I was a kind person, a good mother and a good friend.
2. What are you looking forward to? 2011
3. Think about a fictional character you really liked. If you could make them a real person, which one would you choose? Augustus McCrae
4. What TV show is your guilty pleasure? probably anything political, like the stuff on MSNBC, because I'm trying not to get sucked into politics again.
5. What book are you most likely to read a second time? A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
eque, why are you not seeing the dance photo? It's there. Maybe you posted while i was editing? Let me know if i am the only one seeing it. I didn't mean to take it off. i am going to update it sometime with a new blurry wine induced dance soon when Brian and i have another wine night like that one.
amulbunny. Yay! I love the idea of meeting House too. But i mostly love eque's choice of Gus from Lonesome Dove. I had not thought of him until you said it and then said of course! (I was thinking of Atticus Finch).
louie, it wasn't you? I remember someone only a couple of years older than I am telling me this. I just looked at it as good advice for growing older, but now that i think about it i think i will refrain from passing this on to anyone turning 50. It's bad enough turning 50 without being reminded of death.
Here are my answers:
1. What would like someone to say about you in your eulogy?
Kylee/modern hippie is in charge of my eulogy so she knows. But i would like to have someone say that i was never the kind of person who would say to you, 'let's have lunch' but not really mean it. When i say something to you. I mean it. I am not just trying to follow protocol or be polite. I am not good at being polite and following protocol. And i realize i wear it as a badge of honor.
2. What are you looking forward to?
I had to think about this, but it's actually 2 things:
the first one is my Amazon order of Pete Yorn's cd and a book that sounds awesome. The second one is Thanksgiving on Vashon Island. And even a third one is a girl trip in the middle of the Christmas holiday with Julie and louie/Sarah in Port Townsend.
3. Think about a fictional character you really liked. If you could make them a real person, which one would you choose?
I gotta go with Gus McCrae from Lonesome Dove too. sometimes when i think about my friend Chuck from the YMCA i realize he reminds me of Gus. (He's the one i love to talk politics with and he always brings me something from his garden.)
4. What TV show is your guilty pleasure?
"Say Yes to the Dress". I have NO idea why i watch this show because i hate weddings and never wanted to have one myself really in spite of my three marriages. But i think it's because i actually get pleasure from being pissed off at stupid people and there are some wackos on that show. And i reminds me somewhat of my union work. where the member needing help is beyond it.
5. What book are you most likely to read a second time?
Lonesome Dove. (I already read East of Eden twice), A Prayer for Owen Meany. I will also likely read "Empire Falls" by Richard Russo.
your pic is back now. it was just black behind your title when i posted.
i should read East of Eden again. Maybe I'll buy a copy at my used book store if they have it.
I am not answering Jo’s questions because it seemed too much like work and I am taking a vacation day today.
I spend almost 3 hours in the fabric store today and had a swell time. I WAS looking forward to that because they had a 20% off coupon for Columbus Day. I now have a new apron pattern and swell yarn for a tube scarf; so far those are my only two ideas (my nieces) for Christmas.
Ron is mowing the lawn and then we’re headed off to the local cemetery. He wants to case out headstones, he’s finally looking for one for his mom; and I want to get a walk in today.
I maybe would read To Kill a Mocking Bird again; but think I’ll just put the movie on my Netflix instead. I swear I can’t finish a book the first time any more much less read one again.
1. What would like someone to say about you in your eulogy? I really don't want a funeral. I'm not sure I'm visible in real life, so I don't want to be made so after I'm gone, ya know?
2. What are you looking forward to?
I ordered a bunch of scrap supplies on clearance - can't WAIT til they get here. And my youngest is coming home for fall break this weekend - she's always fun.
3. Think about a fictional character you really liked. If you could make them a real person, which one would you choose? wow. I have no idea - I have to think about this one.
4. What TV show is your guilty pleasure? Castle. I could just drool over Nathan Fillion. :-)
5. What book are you most likely to read a second time? I'm re-reading the Fever series - cuz the 5th and final book comes out in January... I cannot wait! But I have missed some details - so I have to re-assess. It's all very mysterious.
Jo, Jo, Jo
With Say Yes To The Dress as your guilty pleasure (mine too), you’ll be excited to know that Dawn Weston is shopping for a wedding gown. And guess who is advising her at the bridal shop?
You’re right, Mary F’n Worth, that’s who! ! !
Friday night stuff.
1. Sonya and i threw a political fundraiser on our own last night at her house. It was a wine party and it was our first time. We were a little scared but it ended up being a success! Just like a party. people stuck around and ate and drank and visited and had fun We raised $1200. I was hoping for only $1000 (but not expecting it.)
2. Besides no one showing up we were scared we both might spend more on the wine and food than we raised in contributions.
3. I'm drinking some of the leftover wine i bought for the party.
4. My husband bought Kylee/ms hippie a Nikon camera with interchangeable lens. I mean a real expensive camera, not a point and shoot. She is very excited.
5. I liked that he did this for her and i wasn't in on the deal so it was a nice surprise for me He remembers that when Kylee was little he took her on a photo shoot and she actually had a great eye for photos.
6. She is also like our own kid so it makes sense.
7. Kylee, i hope you know this means you have to visit us when we are old and feeble and keep repeating ourselves.
8. Brian's cooking something called something Italian i cannot pronounce. But he says it means macaroni with bacon and tomato.
9. OK, commercials: one i love is that Subaru one where the daddy is telling the little girl, (who is really a very little girl) about being careful driving, not to text or call while driving, etc. Then the next scene shows the real daughter, who is old enough to drive.
10. i also like the allstate dude "I am a teenage girl" talking on his pink cell phone. Those for some reason are hysterical to me, even though they are goofy.
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