Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feng shui blogging

This means that i am not going to bother putting up a photo.

I will only say this about the Menu of the Day:

I am listening to Dustin Kensrue Christmas songs on the iPod.

I am cooking pasta with jojo's famous spaghetti sauce.

I am procrastinating about Christmas.

I am looking forward to
time off during Christmas.

The best thing i have done this week ...
i am going TOTALLY green this year on least with Christmas lights. It's about a $275 initial investment for lights, but i have purchased all LED lights for inside and outside this year. I'll let you know how it goes later. With photos, of course.


Here is my idea for this blog.

i would like to focus again on the nature of this blog being a community blog. Because
this blog got started ONLY because of the Gumbo YaYa-ness from the days when i would post on that board while drinking wine about whatever happened to enter my head and i encouraged others to do the same. And they did. And some of them encouraged this blog which i resisted for awhile until a year ago.

So with this blog i ask that you come here, one and all, even you lurkers....and post what is in your head....

Finish this sentence:

1. I would love to travel to __________

2. I hate the sound of _________________

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think______________

4. I wish that more people would ___________________

5. My biggest fear is __________________

6. If i knew i would be safe i would _____________________

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is______________

8. I am attracted to ___________________

9. I wish i was more ______________________

10. One of the biggest injustices is ___________________

11. I wish is wasn't so _______________________

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often_____________

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be ______________________


jojo cucina cucina said...

1. I would love to travel to


2. I hate the sound of _________________
....a ringing telephone.

3. Every time i read the newspaper i

....why do i even want to go outside! (It's dangerous out there.)

4. I wish that more people would ___________________
And if i could have second one i would say i wish more people....who are not worthy of parenting not have more kids!

5. My biggest fear is __________________
Being lost!

6. If i knew i would be safe i would _____________________

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is______________

....passive aggressive personalities!

8. I am attracted to ___________________

....People who are confident and grounded and who work towards solutions to their problems if they are not.

9. I wish i was more ______________________

...musically talented.

10. One of the biggest injustices is ___________________
....Children going hungry. Political campaign donations.... I will come back here and think of more of these for #10).

11. I wish is wasn't so _______________________

... Judgmental

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often_____________

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be

.... like Kylee/Modern Hippie; Emma (louie's daughter) or equeyaya's daughters Grace and Mel.

At the same time i wish they would be nerdy little bookworms who stayed in their room and wanted to grow up to be librarians (like me!)....

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

Finish this sentence:

1. I would love to travel to __________Thailand and spend some time on a very quiet island with just enough servants to take care of me.

2. I hate the sound of _________________children crying

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think______________what have we done to this country

4. I wish that more people would _____________ see what they can do to help others

5. My biggest fear is __________ that I lose my sight

6. If i knew i would be safe i would ________ parachute jump

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is_______ mr/ms know it all

8. I am attracted to __________ a nice butt and a nice voice

9. I wish i was more _________ thin

10. One of the biggest injustices is ________ the loss of our 4th amendment rights with re to air travel

11. I wish is wasn't so _______ much a casper milque toast

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often_______ traveling across many countries

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be ______________________

jojo cucina cucina said...

amulbunny, i should give out a blog award for whoever posts a comment the fastest! You would win!

I like you #4. And i should have picked your #5. Because that is a big fear of mine!

Anonymous said...

1. I would love to travel to India, Germany, England, Austria, Australia...oh heck who am I kidding. I want to travel anywhere and everywhere.

2. I hate the sound of screaming children.

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think "Is it really this bad?"

4. I wish that more people would just get along.

5. My biggest fear is failure

6. If i knew i would be safe i would smoke weed

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is someone who is argumentative for no valid reason.

8. I am attracted to kindness.

9. I wish i was more thin.

10. One of the biggest injustices is cancer.

11. I wish is wasn't so impulsive.

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often_____________n/a

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would behave! ;)

Amanda Haines said...

1. I would love to travel to Ireland and New Zealand.

2. I hate the sound of whistling (sorry, Brian!) and loud eating.

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think "That was quick!"

4. I wish more people would stop treating their children like princesses. When did everyone get so spoiled and lazy?

5. My biggest fear is fear itself...and spiders.

6. If i knew i would be safe i would open up to people.

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is aggressively Christian.

8. I am attracted to Yukon Cornelius.

9. I wish i was more generous.

10. One of the biggest injustices is puppy mills.

11. I wish I wasn't so self-conscious.

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often_____________

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be floppy-haired outdoorsy kids with scraped knees, dirty fingernails, and lots of freckles.

equeyaya said...

these are good.... heading out to the used book store - will be back.

equeyaya said...

1. I would love to travel to New Zealand (I could actually answer this a hundred different ways. There are so many more places that I have been than I haven't)

2. I hate the sound of certain computer error messages.

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think (I'm one of those terrible people who never read the newspaper and are contributing to the death of journalism as we know it)

4. I wish that more people would slow down.

5. My biggest fear is outliving my children.

6. If i knew i would be safe i would take up foxhunting.

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is - I'd have to agree with passive aggressive.

8. I am attracted to eyes.

9. I wish i was more - just more, but also less.

10. One of the biggest injustices is injustice.

11. I wish is wasn't so anxious (even though I'm much better than I was).

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more often - traveling.

equeyaya said...

re #1 - I got that backwards. Yes I was drinking wing tonight.

Unknown said...

I would love to travel to ANYWHERE BUT HERE. I'll be so glad when I have spare money.

2. I hate the sound of drills as in dentist. I had 5 crowns this year (now you know why I have no spare money to travel)

3. Every time i read the newspaper i think that my state is full of crooks, liars and morons.

4. I wish that more people would take responsibility.

5. My biggest fear is having to depend on someone else.

6. If i knew i would be safe i would go downtown Atlanta by myself.

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is picky, anal people who can't anything go.

8. I am attracted to shiny things.

9. I wish i was more taller..I hate being 4'11"

10. One of the biggest injustices is = not sure..will need to get back to you.

11. I wish is wasn't so fat.

12. Parents only:
If i was not a parent i imagine that i would be doing this more I'm broke.

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be ______________________

equeyaya said...

susieatl????? you are 4'11". wow!

jojo cucina cucina said...

OOOOH, these are good!

1. D2F, good to see you back here! I especially like your number 4 and i like your number 6 too!

2. Amanda, i crack up about the whistling. I like that about Brian because happy people whistle. He whistles and he sings. What's funny is tonight i pulled in the garage and i heard what i thought was Brian yelling and i said to myself, 'who is here that Brian would be yelling at?'... I came in the door and found out that he was not yelling, he was cooking and singing the blues to his new cd "Little Bill and the Bluenotes".

also Amanda i really like your #7. I have used this as an answer in some version of the question before.

3. eque....#5....that's a very good one. Probably the best answer of all for a real fear.I really like your #4 too. But i think my favorite is #10.

4. susieatl, i really like your #4 too. I am thinking i personally might be your #7 though! LOL.

louielouie said...

1. I would love to travel to the East coast; by train

2. I hate the sound of chewing

3. Every time I read the newspaper I think – I wonder which of my friend’s parents has died now?

4. I wish more people would take responsibility for themselves and each other

5. My biggest fear is losing my sight too, although I also worry about losing my mind

6. If I knew I would be safe I would - I don’t have an answer for this. Maybe I should wish i were more adventurous

7. The kind of personality that pisses me off most is people who are tellers but not doers

8. I am attracted to smiley eyes

9. I wish I were more relaxed

10. One of the biggest injustices in the world is the lack of equal access to health care

11. I wish I weren’t so critical

12. If I were not a parent I have no idea what I would be doing. I’m not sure what I’m doing right now

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, i like so many of yours. I guess it why we've been such good friends for 30+ years! Actually i wish i had thought of every one of them.

I have my tree up. I really really like the LED lights. YOu would never know they are not the lights i always have.

Also louie, i loved your recommendation of Charlie Bartlett. Great movie! It was a fun way to end the evening of decorating our tree with Kylee and drinking wine and eating Chinese takeout.

sam said...

1. I would love to travel to Africa, especially Tanzania. My heart is in Africa and Tanzania is where one of my Compassion-sponsored kids (Jeremia) lives.

2. I hate the sound of anything loud. Loud kids, loud traffic, loud talking. Loud. I hate the sound of loud.

3. Every time I read the newspaper I think "what a waste of time because very little of this stuff is even true".

4. I wish that more people would make it a lifestyle practice to be kind. And to mind their own business.

5. My biggest fear is none. I refuse to give in to fear because the author of fear is a lying cheating scoundrel.

6. If I knew I would be safe I would I don't know. I think I'm safe. Now, if I knew I could not fail I'd build a home for teens who have aged out of the foster care system and teach them that they ARE valuable and worth more than any THING in any town.

7. The kind of personality that most pisses me off is one of entitlement.

8. I am attracted to good people who follow through on their good intentions. I am attracted to honesty and integrity.

9. I wish I was more "in your face" with people who treat their children and their animals with a lack of respect.

10. One of the biggest injustices is poverty in the midst of waste. I guess I could have just said governments (in any nation).

11. I wish I wasn't so hesitant to do the things I want to do or do the things I want to do.

12. Parents only:
If I was not a parent I imagine that I would be doing doctoring in poor nations with Doctors without Borders or Smile Train or some other medical service that takes care of the least of these.

13. Non-parents: If i had children i wish they would be

jojo cucina cucina said...

Hey Donna!!!!
I really like your #s 7, 8 and 10. I am sick of entitlement. Teenagers who think they need to have everything without working for it. Poor people who want the handout and don't expect to ever try to make things different, and drivers who know well in advance their lane is ending but they take it all the way to the end and expect to get that cut in front of those of us who merged over like good courteous drivers do.