Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Enough of The Hair Nonsense!....Let's Play Either/Or

I'm just making these up as I go along and i hope y'all will come back and make up your own for us to choose. Just copy and paste the questions and tell us which of the two people/items/places/etc would be YOUR choice. I'll add mine in the Comments section. 

1. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston

2. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt

3. Any city in Hawaii or New York City

4. Foo Fighters or Nirvana

5. Pulp Fiction or Fargo

6. Pulp Fiction or Grease

7. Van Morrison or Van Halen

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan

9. Jimmy Fallon or Seth Myers

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards

11. American Idol or The Voice

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain

14. Rain or snow

15. Ocean or river

16. Mardi Gras or any other holiday

17. Birthday or Christmas

18. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones

19. Friends or Seinfeld

20. The Office or 30 Rock?

21. Adele or Amy Winehouse

22. Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse

23. Vegas or any city in Hawaii

Notes to Myself: 
Sunset : 5:45 pm
Longest Run this week: 55 minutes (tonight!)
All time views on this blog: 25,374
Page views last month: 1,122
Most viewed blog post all time: May 8, 2010 : "Because I'm Happily Bored We Interrupt this Blog" - think this was the post with celebrity eye candy plus a photo of my husband....  it has 1492 page views


jojo cucina cucina said...

Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston - ANGELINA JOLIE

2. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt - too hard!... BRAD PITT

3. Any city in Hawaii or New York City - ANY CITY IN HAWAII

4. Foo Fighters or Nirvana- FOO FIGHTERS

5. Pulp Fiction or Fargo - PULP FICTION

6. Pulp Fiction or Grease- PULP FICTION

7. Van Morrison or Van Halen - VAN MORRISON

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan - PIERS MORGAN

9. Jimmy Fallon or Seth Myers - hard one! I like them both! JIMMY FALLON

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards - i think i would like the Golden Globes betters but i always watch - ACADEMY AWARDS

11. American Idol or The Voice - AMERICAN IDOL

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell - another hard one, i like them both. TABATHA.

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain - i love Bourdain, but i gotta go with TYLER FLORENCE

14. Rain or snow - SNOW

15. Ocean or river - RIVER

16. Mardi Gras or any other holiday - ANY OTHER HOLIDAY

17. Birthday or Christmas - CHRISTMAS

18. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones - THE STONES

19. Friends or Seinfeld - SEINFELD

20. The Office or 30 Rock? - THE OFFICE

21. Adele or Amy Winehouse - AMY WINEHOUSE

22. Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse - AMY WINEHOUSE

23. Vegas or any city in Hawaii - ANY CITY IN HAWAII

jojo cucina cucina said...

Mine are kind of lame and easy because i was thinking of what i like to choose.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I don't understand blogger's math. I did not transpose my numbers on all time views. but today's all time views are lower than the last blog post. I noticed that once before. I'm not sure what the deal is. Maybe i'm needing to click another button to not track my own or something. I thought i did that already though.

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

1. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston Jennifer Aniston

2. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt Johnny by a long shot. He's one of the nicest guys in the business, knows who pays his check at the movies. He threw a kiss and bowed to my daughter.

3. Any city in Hawaii or New York City Kailua Kona Big Island

4. Foo Fighters or Nirvana Foo Fighters

5. Pulp Fiction or Fargo Fargo, you betcha

6. Pulp Fiction or Grease Pulp Fiction

7. Van Morrison or Van Halen Van Morrison, I'm a brown eyed girl

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan Neither, Anderson Cooper

9. Jimmy Fallon or Seth Myers Jimmy Fallon

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards Golden Globes, they've had some wine and they are silly

11. American Idol or The Voice The Voice, a more honest competition

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell Neither. Never have seen Tabitha.

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain Ted Allen

14. Rain or snow Rain

15. Ocean or river River less scary things

16. Mardi Gras or any other holiday Thanksgiving

17. Birthday or Christmas Christmas, better gifts

18. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones Depends on the day

19. Friends or Seinfeld Don't like either......early Roseanne

20. The Office or 30 Rock? Have never seen either one.....sad isn't it?

21. Adele or Amy Winehouse Adele

22. Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse Janis

23. Vegas or any city in Hawaii Kailua Kona

louielouie said...

1. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston: Jennifer Aniston

2. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt: Brad Pitt

3. Any city in Hawaii or New York City: New York City

4. Foo Fighters or Nirvana: Foo Fighters

5. Pulp Fiction or Fargo: Fargo

6. Pulp Fiction or Grease: neither

7. Van Morrison or Van Halen: Van De Camps

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan: Anybody but Larry King

9. Jimmy Fallon or Seth Myers: Jimmy Fallon, no wait, Tina Fey

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards, can’t care

11. American Idol or The Voice: neither

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell: Tabatha, handily

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain: Anne Burrell

14. Rain or snow: snow

15. Ocean or river: OO, tough one, river, no wait, ocean

16. Mardi Gras or any other holiday: Any other holiday except Halloween, I hate Halloween

17. Birthday or Christmas: Christmas

18. The Beatles or The Rolling Stones: Simon and Garfunkel

19. Friends or Seinfeld: Seinfeld

20. The Office or 30 Rock: 30 Rock, I LUV Alec Baldwin

21. Adele or Amy Winehouse: Adele

22. Janis Joplin or Amy Winehouse: Amy

23. Vegas or any city in Hawaii: Any city in Hawaii, although I’m not hot for Honolulu

Anonymous said...

equeyaya responding before reading anyone else's:

1. Jennifer Aniston

2. Johnny Depp

3. New York City

4. Nirvana

5. Pulp Fiction

6. Pulp Fiction

7. Van Morrison

8. Larry King or Piers Morgan - don't watch either

9. Jimmy Fallon

10. Golden Globes or Academy Awards - don't watch either

11. American Idol or The Voice - dont' watch either

12. Tabatha or Simon Cowell - who's Tabatha

13. Tyler Florence or Anthony Bourdain - who's Tyler Florence

14. Rain

15. river

16. any other holiday

17. Christmas

18. The Rolling Stones

19. Seinfeld

20. 30 Rock

21. Adele

22. Janis Joplin

23. any city in Hawai

I watch NO TV, lol!

Here's mine based on what I do do:

1. Mountains or Beach

2. John Lennon or Paul McCartney

3. Ryan Adams or Bryan Adams

4. Hiking or Jogging

5. Riding Horses or Riding Bicycles

6. International Travel or Domestic Travel

7. Zoo or Art Museum

8. Stairs or Elevator

9. Mall or online

10. Wine or Beer

11. Restaurant or Takeout

12. Wine List or BYOB

13. Facebook or Face Time

14. Dogs or Cats

15. Italian Food or Thai Food

Anonymous said...

my answers (equeyaya):

1. Mountains

2. John Lennon

3. Ryan Adams

4. Hiking

5. Riding Horses

6. International Travel

7. Art Museum

8. Stairs

9. Online

10. Wine

11. Takeout

12. BYOB

13. Face Time

14. Dogs

15. Thai Food

jojo cucina cucina said...

1. Mountains or Beach - BEACH

2. John Lennon or Paul McCartney - GEORGE!

3. Ryan Adams or Bryan Adams - RYAN ADAMS, OF COURSE!

4. Hiking or Jogging - JOGGING

5. Riding Horses or Riding Bicycles - BICYCLES

6. International Travel or Domestic Travel - DOMESTIC

7. Zoo or Art Museum - ART MUSEUM

8. Stairs or Elevator - STAIRS

9. Mall or online - ONLINE

10. Wine or Beer - WINE

11. Restaurant or Takeout - TAKEOUT

12. Wine List or BYOB - WINE LIST

13. Facebook or Face Time - FACE TIME (DEPENDS ON THE FACE!)

14. Dogs or Cats - GOLDFISH

15. Italian Food or Thai Food - ITALIAN

I like these, eque!

jojo cucina cucina said...

I totally agree with you louie on Halloween. I hate Halloween. And amulbunny, of course Anderson Cooper beats them. I didn't add Anderson or Jon Stewart because how could you choose?

You know what was weird was seeing that journalist (the woman with the eyepatch) and watching her talk with Anderson Cooper on Tuesday night about Syria and then we put Anderson on the next night to find out she was killed shortly after that interview. And Anderson is telling her to be safe. He seemed pretty shook when he was talking about it.

Is what people do i guess when someone dies, you say "I just SAW them" as if that should protect them.

Also speaking of Alec Baldwin (who i love too!) he is looking mighty fine these days because he is doing YOGA! For awhile there he was kind of bloated looking. It's his new woman.

Anonymous said...

I hate Halloween, too.

And I like George best, too. John and Paul are just the classic ones to compaire. We should compare John and George, though, because they are both gone. In that choice, I pick George.

I like Alec, too. :)

Y'all have a great weekend!

louielouie said...

going there with my sister and sisters-in-law on Thursday.

2. GEORGE! Except for “My Guitar Gently Weeps”, what’s with that?

4. Hiking or Jogging – Don’t like either very much; makes my feet hurt just to think about them.

- but to be fair, I have never ridden a horse and haven’t been on a bike in years.

6. International Travel – if I can just be there and not have to travel.

7. Zoo or Art Museum do not like zoos but get bored really fast in a museum.

 - elevators sort of scare me, plus I think I’m kind of claustrophobic.

9. Mall or online – Neither, seems like I return everything I buy on line, but I don’t have the energy for the malls.

10. WINE, but don’t drink that much anymore, so I'll say gin.

11. Restaurant or Takeout – Both have their place.

12. WINE LIST, if someone else chooses for me.

13. Facebook or Face Time – don’t have FaceBook but don’t have any friends either so don’t do much Facetime.

14. Dogs or Cats – Cars, dogs are too needy.

15. Thai - am not a pasta lover.

Looking back, all my answers are soooo lame and boring.

maybe changed my mind about rain or snow. It’s supposed to rain all next week when we’re at the ocean and I’m kinda glad.

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, i got your message today and do have some books for you. When do you leave? It's hard to do anything in the evening next week though, i have a council meeting Tuesday, PacChat Wed. and Thursday is bowling night, plus i have to figure out how to get my runs in.

What might work is that i am bowling Thursday at Paradise on 125th and Pacific Ave. I could meet you ahead of time before bowling near there to get them to you. Let me know.

i LOVE While My Guitar Gently Weeps! One of my favorite George Harrison songs. (I'm not crazy about "Something" though.) I never thought Yoko Ono was responsible for the Beatles break up either. I always attributed to Paul's ego.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I think i figured out the blogger math. I beleive i must have thought in my previous post that it looked like a 5 instead of a 4 when i talked about 25,000+ posts but the next time it was lower because now the math in accordance with the views.