Sunday, February 26, 2012

Who are you wearing? What are you drinking? Live Blogging about the Academy Awards!

first off, let's talk about Who I am Wearing: i am wearing Adidas sweat pants and a Costco tank top. Bare feet. And my Skagin watch as my only jewels. My hair is swept up in a post-run messy french braid. I look fabulous!

I love that Billy Crystal is hosting. I like when he hosts. But i expect to be somewhat bored because i think The Artist is going to take all of the Oscars and i didn't see it and i don't get why a silent movie could be so hot. And seriously did i read that correctly? It's nominated for screenplay?

I loved all the red carpet dresses. Nearly all of them. Maybe not Emma Stone's big red bow so much, but most all of them. Especially George Clooney's girlfriend. I loved Gwenneth Paltrow too.

and speaking of George. I know it won't happen,  but i am really pulling for Brad Pitt to win Best Actor.

Anyone watching..?.i hope you drop in.


jojo cucina cucina said...

I just poured a Murphy Goode chardonnay.
OOh, i also love Viola Davis in that cool green dress and love her real short hair. I also love Michelle William's pixie little haircut. You have to have a perfect bone structure and skin to pull that off.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Tom Hanks looks like he's lost some weight. Maybe he's doing Alec Baldwin's yoga workout.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Cinematography. I bet it will be The Artist. and i love how Tom didn't waste any time announcing it was Hugo, before i could even post. Good, maybe The Artist won't sweep everything.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I have probably mentioned this on my blog before but if i did not tweeze my eyebrows they would like exactly like Martin Scorcese's. Two Oscars for his film Hugo already. Take that, ARTIST!

jojo cucina cucina said...

Best actess? I wish i had seen more movies so i could make an informed decision, so let me just vote like most Americans vote for President. I will say my pick is Viola Davis. She is the Best Actress line up right? It just occurred to me she might be Supporting, which wouldn't be right. Anyway, i like Meryl Streep. But she's starting to be like that nerdy but attractive girl in high school who always raised her hand in history class because she always had the right answer. You just want her to stop sometimes and give someone else a chance. And yes, she has been passed over alot, considering how many times she has been nominated. But if you did your best work and Meryl was in a move that year, you are pissed.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I love Jennifer Lopez and Cameron Diaz's dress. They must have gotten together to coordinate. It's not an easy color to wear either. Costume Design is what they are presenting. I never care about these early awards. does anyone?

the Oscar goes to The Artist. So they got their first one.

What i usually don't like about these is that these obscure Oscar speeches are usually the longest ones.... let's see if it is....

Nope. good!

I am liking Cameron's hair too.

jojo cucina cucina said...

i do not like Sandra Bullock's dress on top. It's so baggy. She seems uptight. I think that Jesse James divorce messed that poor girl up. and isn't that too bad that a low rent guy like that could mess up a cool chick like Sandra?

jojo cucina cucina said...

Christian Bale is hot. I never knew he was British????

jojo cucina cucina said...

Best supporting actress. I want The Help gal. Octavia... and she wins! that's cool. Let's check out her speech. Funny how they have to qualify that this is her first Academy Award. As if many African American women have won. I love that she loves winning.

I am really happy for her.

jojo cucina cucina said...

"Thank you World"... love her! I think the only movies i have seen that are nominated are The Descendants, Moneyball, The Help, and Tree of Life (which should in no way be anywhere nominated for an Oscar at all, even as it starred Brad Pitt.)

jojo cucina cucina said...

Love those guys who won Tina Fey's presented award (forget what it is)...they struggled with their speech and then said... "let's get out of here!".... so cute.

jojo cucina cucina said...

The cirque du soleil (sp?) was cool. I like the cuts to George Clooney and Brad Pitt and Co. during the show and how much they looked like they enjoyed it too.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I do think Christopher Plummer will win. because they tell us he will. I want the Moneyball kid to win. I forget his name. But it won't happen. Just like Brad Pitt won't win either. Brad Pitt was on Jon Stewart the other day. If you didn't see it, it was a great interview. Brad Pitt says he is like the Ron Paul of the Oscars.

Robert Downey Jr. LOVE HIM.... Gwenneth looks great too. He's wearing a bow tie! how funny!

I vote Robert Downey Jr. to host the next Oscars!

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, where you be?

jojo cucina cucina said...


jojo cucina cucina said...

I just checked last year during the commercial cuase i live blogged last year too when James Franco and Anne Hathaway hosted...actually some of the worst hosting i think ever.... It was mostly louie and me blogging. and equeyaya weighed in later. It had 81 posts because louielouie and i have lots of opinions about celebrities.

louielouie said...

sorry to be so late

was working on two school board presentations for March.

Knocked their socks of in February

louielouie said...

catching up

liked the Billy Crystal opening

did not like J-Lo's dress. Too trashing to be quoting Edith Head

kind of did like the gal with Ben Stiller, don't know who she was

jojo cucina cucina said...

THERE you are!

I love Emma Stone's presentation. She's very funny with her "My first time presenting an Oscar" schtick.

Is it my imagination or are all the women taller than the men? Even George's girlfriend.

louielouie said...

course her dress was trashy not trashing,
no spell check/editing here.

don't care about Hugo

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, Emma Stone is the white chick in The Help. I love her voice!

louielouie said...

my Toms
a WSU t-shirt and old baggy sweater, no bra
no jewels, my classic beauty needs no ornamentation.

Bushmills of course

jojo cucina cucina said...

i think the actors have been sucking up to Martin Scorcese for the past few years because he might be connected for real to The Mafia. I don't like his movies all that much.

I totally want Jonah Hill to win this one!

jojo cucina cucina said...

I forgot i saw The Warrior too with Nick Nolte. he was good in that too. I imagine i would like Plummer's role in his movie if i had seen it. Still like Jonah. I love an upset!

jojo cucina cucina said...

No surprise. Christopher Plummer. Here's the thing for me. just cause they're old doesn't mean they are due. As a union person, i am not a big fan of seniority as a given. But then again, i haven't seen the movie, so i can't totally go against this award.

louielouie said...

LUV Jonah Hill
LUVed Money Ball

Didn't see the Christopher Plummer movie - want too

want to see a couple of those animation ones too

jojo cucina cucina said...

No ormamentation.... hahahah.... It would be kind of funny to wear our pearls during these things. When else do we get to wear them?

jojo cucina cucina said...

I'm not an animation kind of movie watcher. but i think i would really like the Plummer movie. I saw both Moneyball and The Descendants. And i liked them both alot. But i want Moneyball to win over The Descendants. I just don't think it will.

I remember when John Travolta was up for Best Actor in Pulp Fiction and how much i wanted him to win that Oscar. That's how i feel about Brad Pitt winning right now. I will be so so happy if he won, as if he were my own brother. I like George too. I just like Brad better.

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, you're drinking Bushmills ON A SCHOOL NIGHT? You never do that!

louielouie said...

My escort this evening is wearing sweats and drinking Cranberry Mike's Hard

louielouie said...

I do like Billy C and the crowd shots

Angelina Joulie looked way too skinny on the red carpet

jojo cucina cucina said...

Billy Crystal is cute. I love his 'what they are saying" by the shots of Brad Pitt, Nick Nolte, Viola Davis, etc. Funny stuff.

And we interrupt this blog for the President of the Academy's BORING speech. I'm going to pee.

louielouie said...

who cares about the Academy's mission

jojo cucina cucina said...

louie, WHO made Ron's sweats? Addidas? Carthhart? Nikes? You can't be so vague about the attire during the Oscars.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Angelina ALWAYS looks too skinny to me. I love that cause i really think for all her toughness when it gets right down to it, i can beat her in arm wrestling. I do those 8 lb free weights in my bathroom 4 times a night at least.

louielouie said...

penelope cruz is georgous

love songs, but can't care about the scores.

jojo cucina cucina said...

They have a mission? Their mission should be to lobby and advocate for paying their fair share of taxes. I saw a crawl on the pre function shows that reported Jennifer Aniston bought a 24.2 million house. When i hear that kind of stuff i want to puke. Why do we love these guys so much?

jojo cucina cucina said...

She is. I just don't like her. I like Zack. But i really don't like Will Ferrell movies. THEY mentioned It's Hard Out Here for a favorite song that won an Oscar ever!

jojo cucina cucina said...

OOOH, i love that guy from Flight of the Conchords! louie, do you know those guys? Good for him!

louielouie said...

it's Hard out here for a Pimp!!

really that's the best they could do for songs?

But LUV Flight of the Concordes

louielouie said...

look at her knees

jojo cucina cucina said...

I love Angelina. But i wouldn't want her as a friend. She's rather intimdidating.

I love how she works that slit in her dress.

louielouie said...

ron, who's wearing columbia sweats, says she looks Cachetic, which is worse than Anorexic

jojo cucina cucina said...

what's wrong with her knees? I missed it.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Seriously, arms at my age are way more buff than hers. She is way too skinny.

louielouie said...

liked the Descendants but liked Money Ball and the Ides of March better

did like the dude showing off his knee though

jojo cucina cucina said...

i have never heard the term cachetic. How could there be something WORSE than anorexic?

jojo cucina cucina said...

Her face is too shiny.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Screenplay... Woody Allen. I like that. He's never there though.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Whose knees are we talking about?

jojo cucina cucina said...

When i look at how Warren Beatty has aged i feel bad for myself getting older. I do not want to get older. And now i get a peek at just how bad that is going to be for me when i see someone like Warren.

louielouie said...

cachetic. How could there be something WORSE than anorexic?

i think it's one step closer to death

do like Brad though

Also like the Ellen JCPenneys ads

jojo cucina cucina said...

i must have been peeing because i missed the Penney's ads...but...Take THAT Million MOms... you bitches. Good for Penneys not caving to that conservative bunch of wacks.

Love The Bridesmaids movie. Never expected to. But i was funny.

jojo cucina cucina said...

It can be short and still make your toes curl! ....


louielouie said...

the brides maids are great

louielouie said...

sort of want to see that short irish film too

jojo cucina cucina said...

The big Bridesmaid actor is with a gorgeous woman i don't think was introduced???? I love her hair! with the bangs and blunt cut. They are presenting an award i don't care about.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I think it would be fun to have a movie night where you presented ALL of the nominated films for short films. Otherwise how do we ever get to see them? I think i would like them, but how would i ever know?

louielouie said...

am making a netflix list

figure they might have them maybe as a collection?

jojo cucina cucina said...

I like that Michael Douglas is looking better than the last time i saw a photo of him. He is presenting Directing....

I bet it will be The Artist.

jojo cucina cucina said...

We should have a party for the Short Films.

I have no desire for any director to win. don't care about this one. I just don't want Tree of Life dude to win.

louielouie said...

love James Earl Jones

louielouie said...

Oprah, not so much

am hot for Alex Baldwin

jojo cucina cucina said...

Meryl looks great. . . ! She and Helen Mirren are so amazing.

louielouie said...

just because someone died this year doesn't make then great

don't even want to hear about Whitney

Crack is Whack

jojo cucina cucina said...

Alec.... not Alex! i LOVE Alec Baldwin, even when he called his daughter a pig. Probably means i would be a bad parent myself. As i always suspected. (Which is why i don't have kids.

I agree about Oprah. And James E. Jones. If i were a man i would want to talk like James Earl Jones.

jojo cucina cucina said...

i can't stand the Whitney stuff cause i hated her music and her movies. OMG The Bodyguard sucked soooo much. But i do love hearing about dead actors. i have to admit.

jojo cucina cucina said...

Why Steve Jobs?

louielouie said...

sorry, Alec

am now bored on the dead people

and the song

jojo cucina cucina said...

agree abougt the song. But LOVE the afro.

louielouie said...

not ron,

by the way, he's wearing Tommy Bahama, forgot about the shirt

jojo cucina cucina said...

Ohhhhh, Tommy Bahama... he IS dressing up. My escort is wearing a Pierce College t-shirt. He just got home from band practice.

louielouie said...

cool dress Natalie

that first trailer made me tear up

jojo cucina cucina said...

It is going to be George.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I don't want the Artist guy to win.

jojo cucina cucina said...


jojo cucina cucina said...

I wanted Brad Pitt. He is overdue.

jojo cucina cucina said...

I LOVE words and talking and conversation. I can't imagine i would ever love a movie without words and dialogue.

louielouie said...

i have NO interest in that movie or Hugo

jojo cucina cucina said...

It pisses me off that The Academy often chooses movies like this...the snobby artsy filsm: Chariots of Fire, The English Patient.... Shakespear in Love. Someday i would love to see a movie like The Bridesmaids win Best Picture. It is more like what we Americans are. Forget trying to do the foreign shit awards.

I do hope Viola wins for Best Actress. I think she will.

jojo cucina cucina said...

i wouldn't mind Michelle Williams winning.

louielouie said...

oh meryl

kind of tired of her but she is talented

jojo cucina cucina said...

damn. Meryl Streep. Teacher's Pet. I hate the teacher's pets.

louielouie said...

tom cruise

got to say, he may be crazy, but he is easy on the eyes

jojo cucina cucina said...

It will be the Artist . I wouldn't mind Descendants at all because i liked that movie. I liked the Help too.

jojo cucina cucina said...

but i really want Moneyball.

louielouie said...


now for sure will not see that movie

jojo cucina cucina said...

duh....The Artist. damn...would the French choose American films for THEIR equivalent of the Oscars. i think not. I have no desire to see this movie. I don't care what people say.

louielouie said...

wanted Moneyball too

jojo cucina cucina said...

lololol... love that we feel the same way, louie!

louielouie said...

can't believe it's only 8:30

I would have time for another drink!

jojo cucina cucina said...

i'm glad it's over early. Now i'm out of Murphy Goode since Brian got home. I'm drinking Fresca and cranberry now.

We broke last year's live blogging comments post. Last year was 81 i think and now we're at about 91.

Next year i think we should live blog to the Golden Globes instead of the Oscars. People behave too much during the Oscars. Where is Jack Nicholson when you need him?

amulbunny's random thoughts said...

Boycotted the show this year. Saw the fashions though on line and I loved the color and the cut of Michelle Williams dress. The jewels that were out there were great. I haven't seen the horrible dresses yet, will check on the site I go to.

The Golden Globes are more fun, there's booze on the tables!

jojo cucina cucina said...

yeah, amylbunny, next year i'm gonna live blog to the Golden Globes. The Oscars are too hoity toity!