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Behave is up all year long, but if you think about it, it is a Christmas decoration! |
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I just bought some more of these glass lights for my kitchen. These hang over the sink. |
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Christmas tradition: loved ones who have died have a photo in my tree. This is the Famous Dorothy. |
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Christmas Tree 2012. Looks like Christmas Tree 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. I think in 2007 i had colored lights. |
Let's Talk About the Holidays! I know some of these questions will be redundant, but if you are like me, you forget that you asked and answered, (plus sometimes your answers change), so then it won't matter.
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
3. And what made you think there was no Santa?
4. What are some of your favorite traditions?
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out?
6. What's the best present that you have ever received?
7. What's the goofiest?
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all?
9. What irritates you about the holidays?
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
11. What do you dread?
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner?
Add whatever Christmas/holiday thingie you want to add!
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1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
all the ones that have the word 'come' in them. There are a few!
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
I doubted for a few years but i think it was definite when i was 10 years old.
3. And what made you think there was no Santa? Santa brought me a Frank Sinatra Christmas Album and i knew it was my mom who loved Frank Sinatra. There was no way i had ever indicated that i did.
4. What are some of your favorite traditions? We don't have that many but when someone i love has died i put a photo of them in the Christmas tree. We are lucky to not have had to add one in the past couple of years. I also like that Brian makes his smoked salmon every year. I don't know anyone who makes it better.
But the tradition i love best is my niece Kylee comes over to help me decorate my tree. She's been doing this with me since she was a little girl and now that she is 23 and living in Seattle i keep thinking she won't want to do it anymore, but she asked me when we were doing it. So we did on Dec. 2nd. Afterwards we get Chinese takeout from her favorite place down the street and then we watch a movie. This year it was Love Actually. (One year we watched Love Story because it originally started out to be watching old cheesy movies.)
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out? None.
6. What's the best present that you have ever received? Brian bought me an iPod i think in 2004, though it may have been 2005. (i'm sure i've mentioned this before). I did not know what it was when i opened it.
7. What's the goofiest? Oh, i will have to come back to this. I can't think of one.
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all? I doubt in my life that i will ever put up a fake tree. Even as i had terrible allergies to them (which are better now after 32 years of allergy shots!)
9. What irritates you about the holidays? The political stuff on the news about the War on Christmas. I do not like political correctness as a rule, but i really hate the indignation about putting the Christ in Christmas and all the other bullshit that comes along with it. (I'm pretty sure Jesus hates it too to some degree. I don't think of Jesus as being a narcissist.)
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie? hmmmm. I think i have to go with Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase.
11. What do you dread? I never like driving over the mountain passes to Brian's side of the family. this year we do it. We haven't had to for a couple of years so i'm not complaining. But we have had some harrowing drives in past Christmases. I might pack my last traveling Xanax pill.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner? I don't get to make it often but i do like the Silver Palate recipe i make for the turkey stuffing that has apples, sausage, and pecans and cornbread.
Add whatever Christmas/holiday thingie you want to add!
I am on vacation starting tomorrow and go back to work on Jan. 2. I love this part of the holidays the most. My shopping is done. My presents are wrapped. I have something going on nearly every day, but not all day so i have a couple of good books to read. But by Christmas Even is all go go go.
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Adeste Fidelis & Hark the Herald Angels Sing. I might try to go to 2 Christmas Eve services this year. I love singing the hymns.
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
About 7
3. And what made you think there was no Santa?
I found all the gifts in my mom and dad's closet
4. What are some of your favorite traditions?
Opening our gifts on Christmas morning and then going over to my moms for a late lunch and doing more presents. Sitting and sipping wine and just talking.
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out?
1 or 2, and that's because we're next to broke due to unemployment
6. What's the best present that you have ever received?
Finding out I was having a girl baby thanks to the ultrasound.
7. What's the goofiest?
Grownup footed pajamas
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all?
I keep asking for a live tree in a pot, but they all say no and we get a cut tree. This is my daughter's department and she picks the best trees.
9. What irritates you about the holidays?
The never ending parade of stupid commercials starting at Halloween. People insisting it's a pagan holiday so what?
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
White Christmas. Danny Kaye and Vera Ellen. Magic in motion.
11. What do you dread?
Cleaning up.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner?
We don't have a traditional Christmas dinner. This year it'll be cold shrimp, Costco sandwiches and a big tray of sushi, potato salad, and baked goodies which I will do on Christmas Eve Day.
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Oh Holy Night, Good King Winceslaus (however that's spelled, too lazy to look it up), We Three Kings, and the entire Elvis Christmas Album
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
I remember so little of my childhood. I know almost nothing.
3. And what made you think there was no Santa?
4. What are some of your favorite traditions?
I loved when we'd go out and look at lights on Christmas Eve. No one in my family does that anymore, but I always ask. It was my favorite. I also like to go to at least one community tree lighting, though I haven't gone to one in several years. I've been Scrooge McDuck.
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out?
About 35. I like doing them.
6. What's the best present that you have ever received?
My favorite ex-boyfriend got me a Care Bears messenger bag that I still use for the gym. I absolutely love it, even though I'm way too old to be using it.
7. What's the goofiest?
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all?
Real, baby! With tinsel.
9. What irritates you about the holidays?
Shopping and crowds. Also, it comes up so fast and I always feel like I'm behind.
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Christmas Vacation. "That's not the Christmas star, Grizz. That's the light from the sewage treatment plant!" "Shitter was full!"
11. What do you dread?
Gift exchanges. I don't do gifts. I don't mind giving them when I have a good idea, but getting them is painful.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner?
Potato rolls that look like little butts.
Add whatever Christmas/holiday thingie you want to add!
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Carol of the Bells – I have about 6 different versions on my playlist (best is by Nox Arcana)
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
I remember exactly, because it was the only year we lived in a house with an attic – I was 8
3. And what made you think there was no Santa?
I found the doctors kit that I had asked for in the attic.
4. What are some of your favorite traditions?
There are two: It’s about the only time of the year that I bake, and I always bake Mom’s spice fruitcake recipe, with a twist (no candied fruit – use dried cranberries and apricots soaked overnight in Capt’n Morgan, and twice the nuts) And we always have pizza on Christmas Eve.
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out?
Under 100 now. Used to be more, but folks have either died off or dropped off over the years.
6. What's the best present that you have ever received?
My first ‘real’ camera – a Minolta SLR. Opened up the world for me.
7. What's the goofiest?
Dad gave me Tammy Wynette’s D*I*V*O*R*C*E album as a gag because a despised that song with a passion (and NOT a Wynette fan either.)
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all?
It is a real silk tree. I have a pine wreath under the kitchen window for the scent. Used to have a sap-oozing, needle dropper, but just hate to have a huge plant dying in my living room for a month. Makes me sad, and I’m sad enough this time of year.
9. What irritates you about the holidays?
Having to check myself every time I start to wish someone a Merry Christmas, and correct to “Happy Holidays” for fear of offense. Who in their right mind would be offended at a simple kindness? I find that offensive. If you don’t believe, why should that have to be my problem?
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
White Christmas, but it makes me sad when they get to the “Sisters” song, because I no longer have a sister to sing it with, and that used to be our thing.
11. What do you dread?
The whole “ Happy Holidays “ / “Merry Christmas “ mishegas. See #9 above.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner?
Prime rib with a killer Yorkshire pudding.
amulbunny...your #7 is a hoot! And i llike your #9 too. I should have picked that.
Amanda! Good to see you. I think your #6 is also your #7. I love it! You need to post a photo of your potato rolls that look like butts. I'm thinking you did this before, did you?
Unknown.... which unknown are you??? I agree about the Merry Christmas. I would never be insulted if someone said Happy Hannukah to me. (How do you spell Hannukah anyway? ) It's the kindness that matters. I actually realized i've hardly wished anyone anything because of this political correctness shit. I just say hi and bye.
I love Yorkshire pudding!
Not unknown...it's pearl. I guess google doesn't have an identity for me. Merry Christmas!
I almost said i thought this was you pearl...because of your #6 and your #10. It's really nice to see you. Also because i think i remember you used to post about Yorkshire pudding and i don't know too many people who make it! Merry Christmas to you!
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
Please Daddy don’t Get Drunk this Christmas; My parents had a bunch of Christmas albums and we always sang loudest to this one. Also, I’ll Be Home For Christmas
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus?
Think I absolutely for sure knew at 9 or 10, don’t remember the year
3. And what made you think there was no Santa?
My mom told me
4. What are some of your favorite traditions?
Christmas eve with my brothers, sister and family
Making Christmas bread and giving it away
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out?
0 this year
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all?
Fake tree and I hate it this year. Need to decide what I want to do from now on
9. What irritates you about the holidays?
Christmas celebrations in schools and at work; don’t think they belong. Work Christmas parties are the worst.
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Not into Christmas movies much, but maybe Elf
11. What do you dread?
Tenseness around who gave/got what. Not knowing how to react when I receive something weird. Like last year, a JOY decoration where the O in JOY was actually a snow globe with Baby Jesus inside. Who would buy that? Who would make that? Why? Would like to cut way down on the gift giving and receiving.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner?
Not wild abut Christmas dinner. I cook Christmas Eve with my brother. Anything we make together is the best
13. Worst thing about Christmas?
My whole family will be together except Nick
1. What is your favorite Christmas carol? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
2. How old were you when you knew there was no Santa Claus? 2nd grade
3. And what made you think there was no Santa? Kids at school told me when I was in first grade but I didn't want to believe it. The next year, I got up in the night and looked down over the banister and saw my mom and dad putting out the presents.
4. What are some of your favorite traditions? Everything in my life has changed, so there aren't really any traditions left. But I do like to listen to my Nutcracker CD every year. It's one thing that makes me feel the Christmas spirit.
5. How many Christmas cards do you send out? only 4 this year.
6. What's the best present that you have ever received? anything my kids gave me when they were little.
7. What's the goofiest? giant shampoo bottles to fill up my stocking so the ex didn't have to put any thought into it.
8. Do you put up a real tree or a fake tree or none at all? real
9. What irritates you about the holidays? the pressure to do what everyone else expects from you, to make the holiday perfect. i'm not doing that this year.
10. What is your favorite Christmas movie? it's a wonderful life
11. What do you dread? that next year will be like this year, or worse.
12. What's the best thing you cook for the dinner? rack of lamb
Merry Christmas!
For the record , I WAS NOT THE ONE who gave louie the snow globe with Baby Jesus in it. I just had to get that straight!..... hahahahha.... And yes....work Christmas parties ARE the worst!.
eque.....! By the way.... i have the book WIld to mail you but i thought i would do so after the holidays when the post office isn't so busy and i figure you are too busy anyway to do any reading.
I have a bottle of Molly Dooker's Two Left Feet, it's probably my favorite wine right now, a red blend from Australia that is about $25. I have a few presents to wrap tonight.
I forgot my other favorite tradition. Since Ashley moved back from San Diego, she and Kylee (and now Ashley's boyfriend of many years, Eddie) and Brian and I get together at our place before we head out to The Family Louvrak Christmas Eve at their parent's house and exchange our Christmas presents. We no longer buy in our family except for my parents and my great niece, so we have to do this in secret because they are the only ones i buy for.
This year i bought Ashley's Eddie a pair of Nordstrom woven boxer shorts along with some other stuff. Kylee thought it was so funny but i figure the best present is sometimes something you would never buy yourself and i'm sure he would never spend $18 on a pair of boxer shorts. But they are such a cute plaid print and he can wear them around the house. They are so soft, i want a pair!
I also bought a good bottle of chardonnay that is called Josh, so we are going to toast my nephew - our fourth Christmas without him. It was Ashley and Kylee's idea.
eque, i always think of your Christmas cards with that first photo i ever got of Grace and Mel in their pajamas ! They were so young!
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