Friday, July 28, 2017

Why I am not cutting my hair and other stuff.

Longest hair i've ever had since high school - July 2017

These don't need to be numbered, but i'm doing it anyway:

1. I thought of this because i have an appointment to get my hair cut in a couple of weeks.

2. Some folks think that at age 60 none of us should be wearing long hair. But what i also think about turning 60 is that i don't care so much anymore about what we should be or shouldn't be doing as we get older.

3. When I turned 40 i thought i was old and i cut off all of my hair really short and it looked terrible and even worse, it was so much harder to deal with because my hair is actually pretty curly. And when i was 40 i had been running half marathons two years in a row and was in probably the best shape ever but I still traded my two piece swim suit in for a one piece that year because i thought that was more appropriate.  I also quit wearing super high heels in place of sensible heels (that was not that hard to give up to tell the truth).

4. So when i turned 60 i decided i am not falling into that trap again.

5. But when i saw an episode of Grace and Frankie and Lily Tomlin was sporting the wild hair look i thought, i'm gonna do it too. (And yeah, i think she is wearing extensions but they look great).

6. So yeah, i'm going to cancel my hair cut appointment. Though i am still keeping my hair COLOR one! I'm not ready to go all the way. My gray color is dishwasher drab and not cool at all. Looks okay on my brothers but i'm not quite ready for that.

7. I have super thick hair and i just HATE washing it. Always have because it takes forever to blow dry.  My hair stylists make comments about it. (I tip them well enough so i don't feel too sorry for them. ) The best thing about my hair right now is that I only wash it once week! (Though i do sometimes wash the roots only at the top. It actually looks and behaves better at 5 days.

8. Most times if you ever see me i am not wearing it down. It's in a long low braid or ponytail. EASY PEASY! That i love second most!

9. Is that how you spell 'peasy'?

10. Anyway, i'm making this whole blog post about my hair. hahahaha.... I'm 60. I can do anything!


jojo cucina cucina said...

I didn't PhotoShop this picture except to turn it into black and white. That's a hint for we women who are getting older. Turn it into black and white. We look better that way. Also a hat is good. I wish we could wear hats all the time!

jojo cucina cucina said...

Hahahaha... also there is no other stuff. Nope. This was all about my hair!

B said...

Good for you, let those gorgeous locks keep growing!

Cat said...

I love your hair, and I'm following suit!! Mine is down my back now, and it's so much easier to deal with than short hair! I do a loose ponytail and then it can be a low bun if I feel like it - very easy to deal with when swimming, too! I love your hair, Jo! Glad you are keeping the long look! And you look 30, not 60! Awesome post!

jojo cucina cucina said...

Thanks for weighing in! It really is easier for me. And i'm all about easy when it comes to hair. Brian likes it too but then so many guys like longer hair on women even when it looks bad. What do they really know? Hahahaha... I do fuss with it way less than when it was shorter. And like you Cat, I like the loose sort of messy ponytail. I like that the weight of it pulls down the curl and wave. Thanks Cat and B. And AG SEO. Gotta change this blog soon when i'm not busy with my kitchen remodel!